First foray into right-wing Alaskan radio coming Monday

Next Monday, 9 p.m. EDT and 5 p.m. Alaska time, my oldest Alaskan friend Tom Brennan, author of THE SNOWFLAKE REBELLION and I will be live with Mike Porcaro on KENI radio, Anchorage.

KENI is the Alaskan home of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Mike Huckabee, so any discussion about THE ROGUE promises to be lively.

I invite Sarah and/or Todd to call in if there are any specifics in THE ROGUE that they’d like to discuss or to dispute.

To date, Sarah has not challenged the accuracy of anything I’ve written.

But two weeks after THE ROGUE was published, she announced she would not run for president.

Some call it coincidence.

I also invite Mary Glazier, the leader of Sarah’s Wasilla prayer group in the early 1990’s, to call in so we can discuss her driving witches out of Alaska, and her belief that “God began to speak to [Sarah] about entering politics” during that Wasilla prayer group, thus motivating Sarah to run for a seat on the Wasilla city council.

I’d be most interested in hearing Ms. Glazier’s views about when it was that God realized He’d made a serious mistake.

Tom Brennan–a steadfast conservative and longtime spokesman for Big Oil as director of public relations for ARCO in Alaska–will be on the air with me to correct any misstatements I might make.

Tom and I encourage and will welcome calls from any and all.

Sarah, if you have any complaints to make about THE ROGUE, you’ll never have a better forum.

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