“Maybe it’ll be great, maybe it’ll be crap”: Kevin Drum in Mother Jones re THE ROGUE

Kevin Drum says THE ROGUE “may rekindle a momentary, if unflattering, last hurrah for Palin.”

I remember Kevin from when he started blogging as Calpundit back in 2003. He’s always thoughtful and sometimes entertaining: there could be worse epitaphs for any of us.

So I’d like to assure him that while others will decide whether THE ROGUE is “great,” it’s not “crap.”

Must all books be either/or?

Kevin can decide for himself in September, but I’d also issue a friendly warning: don’t fall into the conventional wisdom trap.
It’s all too easy right now to say that Sarah is finished.

How many times have we heard this before?

Do you really think she’s not preparing a late summer/fall p.r. blitz?

Do you really think her ego, and her “mantling” and “annointing” by her God will allow her to just fade silently into our memories?

I’m still inclined to think she’ll announce that she’s running for president.

Of course, she might wait until September and then announce that she’s not running, in the hope that such an announcement will reduce interest in and publicity for THE ROGUE.

No, I don’t really think Sarah has made me her top priority as she plans her future, but I know that she’d like to hurt me in any way she can.

And I’m ready for that, whatever form it takes.

Personal to Kevin: let me know what you think when you read THE ROGUE. Better yet, let all Mother Jones readers know.

24 Responses to ““Maybe it’ll be great, maybe it’ll be crap”: Kevin Drum in Mother Jones re THE ROGUE”

  • Linda1961:

    I think she will announce that she’s running too, but will wait as long as possible so as to keep her FOX News “job”. Yes, she would love to hurt sales of your book, Joe, but if she pulls a stunt, it’s liable to increase the sales of your book. Her attacks when you were her neighbor last year showed her to petty and hurt her image. She has had great opportunities, but has blown them.

  • MissSunshine:

    Of course she will run. Every 4 years.

    Attention and adoration are her food and narcotic. Like some zombie, she will drag herself toward the spotlight, her reputation in tatters, her wig ever bigger and more disheveled, her face pumped full of some toxin that prevents wrinkles.

  • Tom:

    even mother jones fails to state the truth that palin is a creation of the media and had they done their job she would have been finished long ago.

    do we have to list the reasons anymore?

    i agree palin must be burning whats left of her brain trying to figure out how to remain in the news but i dont see many avenues left to her.

    its clear the real brokers want nothing to do with her and as i have stated before you will never see a woman at the head of the republican ticket in this lifetime.

    could she announce and fake a run?

    maybe but she would just be fighting with bachmann for the loons.

    expect a typical (lying) excuse around the time your book (and levis) is published.

  • PollyinAK:

    I think she’s quiet because of what’s going on with Murdoch. She may realize that her two Blackberries were under “observation” – uh, oh..

  • deennaa:

    Yeah. Kind of like that Betty Davis and Joan Crawford movie….”Whatever happened to Baby Jane”? Or she will resemble the aged Norma Desmond character stating “All right Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my closeup”….

  • deennaa:

    I am glad you put that comment “..but I know that she’d like to hurt me in any way she can…” out there.
    She tried in Alaska, but failed. Whatever she attempts after this is going to just reveal more of her violent and vengeful side. She’s already made herself “the usual suspect”. She will “use” someone else to do any of her revenge plays. Its her juvenile modus operandi. She’s a dirty player. Just like her high school basketball coeds stated “..clawing for the ball… sarah barracuda…” But as we all know Mr. McGinniss, she is a LOSER. First and foremost. From now til the “rapture” where she will be left behind.

  • lilybart:

    FOX built a studio in her house. I bet that has been gone over by their friends at the AIP. I would assume at this point they bugged her, who wouldn’t? They knew she was a loose canon, a self-described, Rogue.

    She will run. Her illness cannot pass up the massive attention she will get for the first couple of weeks after she announces. Then things get real and she will quit or be crushed, but she cannot and will not pass up the attention this will bring her.

  • We all know how vindictive she is and will do whatever possible to discredit her enemies. Bill Maher has been accused of being “sexist” because he tells the truth of both Sarah and Michele in a very funny way. When your books comes out I’m sure she’ll do something to try to deflect the attention your book gets.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Joe I am waiting most anxiously for your book “The Rogue”
    There have been several “Sarah” books now. I had high hopes for Dunn’s book but he didn’t really tell us anything we didn’t know…ok maybe one thing…she LIED on her job app for police dispatcher, lol.
    I had expected that ONE of you TWO had gotten the goods on the “WITEOUT” which is why she felt the need to include the fact she had a abortion in GR.
    So, I’m re-reading Fatal vision…and I can’t for the life of me understand HOW all these Shrinks couldn’t see through this guy?
    From page one…I could see, he was trying a copycat murder of the Manson cult.
    But also,too, reading this, I know….KNOW the ROGUE WILL BE EXPLOSIVE! I honestly think That is why she has not thrown her hat in the ring for her make-believe grifter run, b/c she is waiting to see what you have on her 🙂
    Meanwhile I will read Fatal Vision and going to click on your link above.
    Can’t wait for the Rogue and like others here, might order it on Kindle also,too! 8)

  • OliviaP:

    I think what he meant was that Sarah Palin is crap. We all know the book will be fantastic.

  • Neil:

    In Fatal Vision MacDonald had people in his apartment killing hs family chanting “acid is groovy kill the pigs”.Who says that?I read that and I thought this guy is guilty,he murdered his family.It was totally a great story though.

  • curiouser:

    The NAR seems to have shifted their favor to Rick Perry. I can’t imagine how Sarah will handle being passed over as God’s number one choice to lead America. I doubt she will cheerfully acknowledge and accept ‘prophecies’ that don’t have her at the center. Will she become a polarizing, divisive figure in the religious right?


  • sharon:

    I don’t believe she’ll run but she’s sure as hell not going away quietly. I think she’ll use the release of Joe’s book as a catalyst to play the victim card and say she’s been crushed (along with her family) by the lies from the LSM and now this book – she simply cannot take anymore, blah, blah, blah. She will pull every single trick from her toolbox to create as much hostility as she can towards Joe. She won’t run but she’ll sure as hell stir the pot – count on it. She’ll toss the GOP under her bus and make sure everyone knows she’s still a force of influence. I predict she’ll do everything she can to create a 3rd party and just in time to splinter the votes and kill any chance the repugs have in 2012. Which I’m sure they already know and they’re trying to keep the lid on the pot with her. She’s evil. The GOP is toast anyway. They’re all freaking batshit crazy loons and the circus just keeps getting more bizarre. I wish boehner would go away. Now that’s one pathetic pos.

  • Jaguar:

    I frankly don’t care if she runs or not. Clearly, she’s had books written about her, and for the most part, has remained “under the radar”, but no one of Joe’s caliber and experience have had the opportunity to write a book about the real “Sarah Palin”. She had to know, or Joe’s character and integrity wouldn’t have played any role whatsoever in her facebook manifestos (sp?), nor her fake reality show about Alaska.
    From what I’ve gleaned of her reading skill set, someone else must have read Joe’s other books and relayed the possibility that the true “sarah” would be exposed quite articulately and believably. Remember she said she’d just have to “grit her teeth” and put up with it?

    Guess What? She’s cowering, knowing some nugget of truth she’s been hiding will be exposed, and she’s biding her time before deciding. As for the Sarah Jones article, it’s a sorry excuse for journalism to judge a book soley on it’s cover, without reading it first. The fat lady hasn’t yet sung,

    My money’s on Joe.

  • KatzKids:

    Ummmm, it was not a Sarah Jones article. The article was by Kevin Drum written for Mother Jones. Sarah Jones writes for Politicususa (founder too?) and is just excellent!

  • LisaB:

    But Joe, she’s still on Fox News. Would she really be so bold as to lie about her political aspirations to Ailes? Could there be legal repurcussions?

  • Jeanabella:

    I read on some post that Sarah is working on “expanding” her role. What this could be, who knows, but it sounds like a commentary role on Fox maybe, but not sounding like a run.
    If she would give into her disorder and run, we can all have a look at her real vetting as this will be her first national run for the nomination.
    With McCain, he was already nominated when he picked her to be his VP and she did not get vetted much before hand, which gave the press a pass for any digging they might have to do, and McCain did not want to get blamed for not vetting her so he & his team keep quiet.
    Her run would help end her sooner than later for any national political office.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Thanks Katz I was going to correct that also,too! 8)

  • KatieAnnieOakley:

    I predict a slew of weekly glossy covers in early September, right after the birth of her grand daughter.

    Bri$tols show will be debuting – or not. Lots of interviews for THAT from both Bri$tol AND $arah. Maybe even Todd. And the whole time, she’ll still be a “correspondent” for FAUX News… Greta will continue to fawn over her.

    Then, about a week before Joe and Levi’s books drop she’ll announce her candidacy for POTUS, hoping to knock any PR blitz of theirs off their respective rails. She’ll instruct her Secret Service handlers to keep all press away – any of em, all of em. ‘Cept Greta and Sean.

    When the media starts feeding upon her from afar, she’ll suddenly have a Family Crisis that necessitates her dropping out of the race… family IS so much more important, dontcha know, also and too?

  • Nefer:

    It just occurred to me that most people accept that third party candidates generally just split the vote of the party closest to them, meaning the opposing party ends up winning. The third party candidate is often reviled by the party which is going to lose votes, even if the candidate actually represents many or most of the policies of that party. The candidate may be a true believer/idealist, egotistical beyond belief, or often, both.

    Then we have angry, vindictive, never forget a slight, never forgive a slight, narcissistic, megalomaniac Sarah, still holding grudges against the campaign that kept her from winning the election (never mind McCain; in her mind she was the adored candidate, not just a lowly running mate), and against the party that seems willing to proceed with choosing a candidate whether or not she is in the race.

    So Sarah running as a third party candidate even though it could destroy the Republican party’s chance of winning becomes Sarah running as a third party candidate because it could destroy the Republican party’s chance of winning.

    She would be ecstatic at the idea that her third-party candidacy could destroy the Republicans. It would show her power and pay off a lot of old scores. I don’t think she gives a rat’s patoot how other downstream races would be affected, because I don’t think she cares about anything but herself and her ego and her power.

  • KatieAnnieOakley:

    First clue, great big DUH: McDonald survived with, comparatively speaking, barely a scratch. His wife and kids were butchered. In a real-life situation, he’d have been murdered FIRST so he couldn’t defend his family.

  • KatieAnnieOakley:

    ‘$arah running as a third party candidate because it could destroy the Republican party’s chance of winning…’.

    There’s a lot of truth in what you say. $he could stay employed at FAUX, lobbing her snot-balls for FOUR MORE YEARS if $he splits the GOP vote. Helping Obama win could be the way $he stays relevant. And I wouldn’t put it past her. It always been about $arah…

  • KatieAnnieOakley:

    Does the expression “I’ll do it ’till a judge tells me I can’t” mean anything to you? ; )~

  • Jo:

    I think she hates President Obama so much and saw herself as the top of the ticket in 08, that she will have to run. She won’t be able to contain herself, even though she is totally unqualified, she hates most Americans and they hate her back, and it would be the biggest landslide ever. She wasn’t qualified to be VP and her family was a mess, but that didn’t stop her in 08. It’s hard to believe that her and Todd think she could handle political office, he must be one sick puppy as much as she is. They must think everything will continue to be covered up and no one will expose their many, many secrets. She delights in the fact that she can inspire so much hate against people and that there are some crazy people out there who will carry out the revenge she fantasizes about, from violence to murder. She has never let up trying to get President Obama killed, and then there are the pundits, the Democratic representatives, the bloggers, the Muslims, and anyone else she happens to be pissed off at on any given day. Why yes Todd, and Bristol someone who knows nothing about much of anything, lies about everything, has not done one good thing for Americans, lives the high life off other people’s money, is a diva, hates everyone except herself, and is a religious nut would make a great President.