Piper back in Wasilla, smiling again, thanks to Britta//UPDATE-CORRECTION




A Wasilla correspondent lets me know that Piper was back home this afternoon, unwinding by enjoying a visit to a local coffee shop/ice cream parlor with Track’s new bride, Britta.

I’m told that Piper was smiling and that Britta and Piper “were just hanging out.”

From all I know of Britta, described to me as “a sweet girl from a solid family,” it would be just like her to take poor, road-weary Piper out for a treat.

Someone who’s known Piper all her life said she came in and “waved a little wave” and, when asked how she was doing, smiled and said, “Okay.”

And now, despite all her mother has done to strip it from her, let’s give Piper her privacy back and hope that the rest of her summer will be better than the start.

And let’s be happy that in the person of Britta Hanson the Palin children finally have a female family member who cares about them.


I’ve heard from so many people–and have now seen video to back it up–that poor Piper, in fact, did not make it back to Wasilla today for a happy, end-of-tour ice cream with Aunt Britta.  I have no doubt that my correspondent’s first-hand report is correct as to what happened, but perhaps I misunderstood when it occurred.

A difference between a blog and a book is that misunderstandings about who, what, when, where and why don’t get published in a book.

Wherever Piper is tonight, let’s hope—for her sake–that we neither see her nor read about her again until she’s at least eighteen years old and able to make choices about privacy for herself.

Let’s also hope that in Arizona somebody will post a sign designed to protect her that’s similar to the one I posted  on my property line last summer after the first time Todd trespassed, which of course is described in THE ROGUE.





102 Responses to “Piper back in Wasilla, smiling again, thanks to Britta//UPDATE-CORRECTION”

  • justustworebels:

    How DARE you imply Sarah doesn’t care about her children. No respect Joe. No respect. You don’t know Sarah or any of the Palins. So eff you.

  • dlbvet:

    Just gotta ask ya’…what flavor Kool-aid are ya drinkin’ these days?

  • carrieoki:

    I think no one denies that Sarah Palin cares about her children. She cares about them in the fashion of what they can do for her or what purpose they can serve for her.

  • Gingerboycat:

    She has shown on national tv that she doesn’t care about her children.

  • themom:

    Joe seems to know her better than YOU do!!! Back off HATER…..as my husband says “The truth hurts”…now go lick your wounds and prepare for more…it is a long road to November 2012.

  • Joe:

    Please don’t sink to the “eff you” level.

    And, seriously, please share with me any examples you can of Sarah displaying concern for her children.
    In three years of research in and around Wasilla, I found none: only the opposite.

    Did you see poor Piper on that bus tour?


  • Marie:

    Sarah and Piper landed in AZ earlier today. Did they turn around and then fly to Alaska?

  • curious:

    Given the number of bots who come here and other sites claiming to know the Palins so well they have insight into the family that house in wasilla must be filled with friends night and day. How does Sara even have time to run for office, I mean go on vacation? How did Pipette get home if Sara is still in AZ? Sara put a baggage tag on her and send her as an unaccompanied minor, or get her grandparents to take her home or maybe even just put her on the private jet she caged from someone? Makes you wonder doesn’t it. Would like one of these bots to come forward and make the connection for us as to how they have such deep insight into them. My money is on Brisket, Willow, RAM, Chuck or Sally, Todd or even the grandmeister of all – the Sara herself. We know how obsessed she is with these blogs, more than once she changed her appearance or did something that was clearly in response to something written or commented on in the blogs dedicated to her – in a twisted way. So Sara is roaming the new house on her own? Boy I’d like to have a spycam in there the next couple of days. I’ll bet she’s raging away at all the people who are taking her to task over her own toe stubs and outright hilarity – Paul Revere indeed.

  • SALS:

    wow…in response to “justustworebels” joe probably knows the palins better than you if you’re not sarah, paid writer for sarah or family member…..and I am from wasilla…..but let me tell you what I know about sarah….yes…sarah loves her children but not as much as she loves herself….no narcissist can love or meet the needs of anyone but him/herself first…..sarah can’t see her children because she is in the way…..it is all about her….define love…..if you think she absolutely loves her children and does what is in their best interest….then you also have a poor definition of love…..love is extending yourself for another….being there….putting yourself aside for the wellbeing and benefit of another……she has not done that…..not once….she puts her needs first and her family comes a far second….you are the one that shows no respect…..if you dont’ like joe or thinks he doesn’t know….why are you on here? just a palinbot searching out to protect sarah? why don’t you go show some love to your family members instead? they would be better off.

  • curious:

    I’m guessing this is Sara herself, possible Bristol or Willow but I’m thinking Sara, how was the trip? Get yourself reoriented to Paul Revere yet?

  • Joe:

    I don’t know. Maybe Sarah stayed in AZ and Piper flew on to Alaska?

    Maybe somebody in Wasilla just made up the story about Piper and Britta?

    This is the difference between my blog and my book. Everything in THE ROGUE has been fact-checked and vetted.
    Here, I share what I believe to be facts, mixed with my opinions.

    Maybe Piper didn’t have this happy ending to her stressful week. Maybe I’m just a sucker for fairy tales.

    But thanks for mentioning that Sarah and Piper both landed in Arizona today. I hadn’t been aware of that.


  • KatieAnnieOakley:

    Actions speak louder than words. Get real; if Michelle Obama treated her girls in public like Palin treated Piper during this road show, PalinBots all over the country would be calling Child Protective Services en mass.

  • Deb:


    Britta, who looks like a pretty girl, is most certainly more ‘worldly’ travelled than Palin. She had a blog in 2008. Visiting Portugal, Greece, Mexico, London. She also lived in Spain for a bit.

    Interesting to see the difference between a Palin and Britta — certainly have no appearance of being cut from the same cloth. FYI: http://brittainspain2008.blogspot.com

  • Bristol:

    All Sarah’s kids who went on “Sarah’s Summer Me Me Me Vacation” dumped Sarah as fast as they could including Todd. They all left Sarah except for Piper and from all the videos we have seen, Piper wanted out of there in a bad way and there is no denying that. Sarah’s parents stayed with her out of a parents love for their child even if it is Sarah.

    No denying this, Sarah made an idiot out of herself this time and showed America what kind of uneducated grifter she really is. How come she is not helping Americans struck by tragedies? How much SarahPac money was spent on Sarah’s vacation? That money could of helped starving homeless families. This week was about Sarah helping Sarah and it was about money laundering from SarahPac to Sarah Palin’s personal entertainment.

    This week did not help her one bit and yes she does not care about her kids or she would of spent more time with them instead of pandering to the cameras and to her base.

    Shameful mother that Sarah Palin is.

  • carolyn clark:

    Joe, I just read that Pipsqueak got off the plane with her mother in Phoenix. Where is she? AZ or AL?

  • themom:

    I am very sorry for anything I wrote that reflects poorly on you and your blog. That was NOT my intention. Sometimes know-it-alls need to know what they don’t know…ya’ know? I respect you far too much to intentional bring harm. I am truly sorry.

  • Bristol:

    All of America saw Piper on that road trip. It was not a pretty sight. When Piper gets older, she’ll remember how she was tricked into being her mother’s prop.

    Everybody was fooled into thinking that was suppose to be a family. When they saw that shrink wrapped bus they should of ran off in different directions and the slowest one would of been caught by Sarah and would of been forced onto the bus. Just like in nature, the slowest animal is caught and the rest of the herd runs away free.


  • sallyngarland,tx:

    Here’s a vidio of them in AZ on Friday.


    She is going to rest up and go back on the “trail.”

  • Psalm023:

    It was hard to watch the tour this past week in that it pained most people to see how Piper was “Sarah’s entourage” as she likes to refer to her kids. I feel really sad for the kids. I know it shouldn’t be discussed further. But, they wouldn’t be on our minds if they weren’t plastered on our screens every night.

    It’s telling how she was sent back to Wasilla and Sarah returned to AZ. Did the family vacation end bluntly like that? I cannot believe she just sends her kids off somewhere else as soon as the cameras shut off. Yes I hope and pray that there are caring members like Britta in that family. It’s just too much to see how that child must be hurting inside.

    When my kids were young and we returned from vacations, we were all tired, and glad to be back home to our regular routines. But we all stayed together post vacation; I couldn’t send them off to another state to have someone else look after them, knowing I was leaving yet again on another trip. I just do not get it with her. Worse, I don’t get it with her supporters and how they don’t see her cruelty in action.

  • omomma:

    There’s a clip [will try to find it] of SP talking to reporters in AZ and Piper once again begging “c’mon mom/”

  • sallyngarland,tx:

    video-not vidio.

  • Bristol:

    themom, Just letting you know Joe was addressing “justustworebels”. You were just fine with your comments. : )

  • Joe:

    If Piper never got past Arizona, then my Wasilla correspondent must have been referring to a visit to the ice cream shop before the tour.
    In either case, let’s wish Piper the best, and hope she doesn’t have to go back on the road.
    Paul Revere in 1775 had an easier ride than Pipe had this week.


  • Coolbeach:

    Very well said, SALS!

  • Bristol:

    “sarah can’t see her children because she is in the way…..it is all about her”

    How true, that is why not one of Sarah’s children is successful in life or in school. Sarah’s kids have no skills or education. All they know is to stick their hands out for money like momma grifter does.

    Usually a family saves their own personal money to go on a vacation and they appreciate the time with each other. This Sarah Palin trip is the result of having other people pay for it as can be seen by SarahPac asking for donations to pay for this tour.

    Read what was written above: “sarah can’t see her children because she is in the way…..it is all about her”.

    Now look at what happened this week, “Sarah could not see how miserable she made her kids because she is in the way…..it is all about her this week”!

  • Elizabeth:

    I agree, it is probably melt-down time. Sarah can’t handle being laughed at, and boy, yesterday was the day for it!

  • Elizabeth:

    Track is a very lucky man.

  • Elizabeth:

    the time on the video was 6:15pm temp: 95 so probably didn’t get to Alaska today.

  • WakeUpAmerica:

    Sarah has shown over and over on national TV through words and actions that her kids are merely props. The woman has no maternal instincts. She definitely deserves the Worst Mother of the Year Award. Sarah loves only herself and no one else. No, not even you Palinbot.

  • Joe:


    Thanks for clarifying. My correspondent’s “sighting” of Britta and Piper must have been before the tour.
    Too bad. I’d like to think it had a happy ending.


  • Pam:

    Where’s Trig? Poor child.

  • Just_a_Mote:

    Didn’t Princess Starburst have an extended meeting with Fox executives during her magical mystery tour? Maybe they learned how time consuming it can be to nail jello to a wall.

  • Justustworebels:

    Thats very interesting because I have grown up with the family and know them well. To my knowledge, Joe has NOT actually met her in person. Hmm

    Please remember, you CANNOT know a person from reading a book, even an autobiography. You must have missed out on common sense if you believe otherwise.

    I have one comment. If Joe’s book is researched like Dunn’s was, specifically speaking of Sarah’s childhood, he’s got credibility issues.

  • FEDUP!!!:

    You actually had to post that sign???

  • Marie:

    When they venture out next, someone will light one lantern if by land and two if by sea and “three” if Piper is also along.

  • Sally:

    There’s AZ video on IM, (someone there said it’s 107 degrees, so I hope Piper got ice cream from someone!) along with a comment from a “bot claiming that her aunt also had a miscarriage before her last child and had a similar relationship with the ‘last born.’ If Piper is Sarah’s ‘last born,’ which is what we all believe, this person knows something. (comment is at 4:26.)

  • Palin neighbor:

    Ok, I can play too.

    I know the Palins from school – when the kids actually went there. The Palins are horrible parents.

    Period. End-of-story.

  • krbmjb05:

    JustUsTwoRebels can’t show love to his/her family as they are too busy trolling the net posting lies and deflection about the Palins. That’s a 24/7 job you know….lots of gaffs to cover-up.

  • sallyngarland,tx:

    What did you think of her saying she’s going “back on the trail”? That doesn’t leave much doubt as to what she is thinking.

  • deennaa:

    Ok “justustworebels: since you allege you “grew up with the family and knew them well”, then you must know which office down the road from that next town to Wasilla, off that well known highway, that your sarah never once set foot in but should have as those people who own that complex are very well known people in the state of Alaska and had family connections with one of the most well known political names in Alaska. So fill in the blanks “homie”! If you are one of the palin’s and STILL don’t know the answers to the above, you have reached the mental status of CRETIN. In other words, if you don’t know what the word cretin means, you are one stupid “effing” (to use your valley trash wording” person.

    PS: it must really gall you that Joe’s research is fact checked and vetted to the bone – whether its sarah’s childhood or any other information. You DO understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction right?

    One last thing: Take that comment you made, “…You CANNOT know a person from reading a book, even an autobiography…” and apply it to the ghost written book sarah made “Going Rogue An American Life”. THAT’S where your comment REALLY applies. Thanks for bringing that up.

  • John Thomas:

    Becky? Is that you? Did they let you out from under the bus?

  • John Thomas:

    Way to go Sally. I missed that clue…. babygate indeed!

  • ArmchairJane:

    Joe, thank you for addressing the video from the airport in Phoenix, as I was wondering about it myself. I had seen your post earlier today, and was glad to hear that Piper was getting to have some fun being a kid again, just “hanging out” with a caring adult. Then I was surprised to see the video from ABC15 with Sarah arriving this afternoon at the Sky Harbor airport in Arizona.

    The news team didn’t say what time this afternoon, just that they had actually been there for a different story and were surprised to run into Sarah Palin, who had Piper with her, along with Chuck and Sally Heath. At the end of the video you can see that the group appears to be getting ready to exit through a door to the baggage claim and ground transportation. That doesn’t seem to leave enough time to get back to Alaska for a trip to the ice cream parlor. I am thinking that Piper’s outing with Britta might have happened around the time of Track and Britta’s wedding.

    Whatever the case, I join you in hoping that Piper can get back to having some fun at home doing kid stuff, and that she won’t be dragged back out “on the trail” any time soon.

  • honeybabe:

    …the trail to nowhere at the rate she is going.

  • carollt:

    I guess we should all believe you Justustworebels and not our lying eyes. The article in Politico yesterday about Sarah’s bus driving recklessly through stops signs and red lights was pure fiction, right? I hope so, because that story told me that not only does Sarah have no respect for the rule of law, she doesn’t care if her child is in danger.

    And since you know the family so well, can you tell me what happened to Todd? Did Sarah throw cans at him again?

  • carollt:

    I am really hoping that Todd will put his foot down with Sarah and demand that Piper be allowed to have her summer swimming and playing with her friends and being left alone to be a 10-year-old girl. But I won’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

  • sharon:

    sarah palin appears to be coming unglued. She looks as though she is medicated during that video where she was explaining Paul Revere’s ride. This tour idea of hers was a very bad idea. Those images of Piper’s behavior will never be erased from the public’s eye. Clearly, Piper has had enough of her mother and she’s hardly the sweet, smiling little girl that was presented in 2008. She’s dragged this child along over and over and over again. There is no stability there, no nurturing or tenderness you’d expect to find from the mother. I’d say her magical history tour is a huge fail. Someone needs to yank palin off the stage, turn out the lights and make it stop. And then call the social services office to have her investigated for child neglect. And why hasn’t the grifter mentioned that poor child Trig for quite a long time? I do not believe Trig lives with her and I’m totally convinced she handed him back to the real mother after the campaign in 2008. What an insane family this is.

  • karenw729:

    Hey Brooklyn. I see you’re over here at Joe’s blog trying to pull the same scam you do over at Palingates. We’ve been asking you a long time over at Palingates to prove to us that you know the Palins as you claim you do, but funny, you never do! I think you’re a big liar, just like $arah.

  • mitch:

    I whole-heartedly agree with your sentiments Sharon. Where is Tri-g? Didn’t $arah marvel at what a miracle he was? Didn’t she assume the mantle of god and pen him a letter, forging god’s name? Why do not more people question the obvious? Family “vacation” indeed. If it truly were a “family” vacation (which it wasn’t) then why were certain family members excluded? This woman is a fraud and a phony. When the media finally ignores her, that’s when she will vaporize. My personal opinion though, is that she is going to have a very public psychological breakdown. Now I am not a sadist but I will get some pleasure in seeing that she gets what she deserves. I firmly believe in karma and this gorilla from Wasilla has some very bad mo-jo. Storm clouds are no longer on the horizon for her, they have coalesced over her pin like head.

  • msf:

    Best not to feed the trolls Distracts from the conversation on Joe’s site & the really good posts..plus they stay longer when fed.

  • Susan:

    Video of Sarah arriving in AZ, talking with press and poor, tired little Piper imploring her mom: “can we please go?”.


  • grammy97:

    I have become convinced that the person behind this whole legion of “identities” is $arah Palin herself. Today she’s using Justustworebels; in the past it has been so many names that no reasonable person can keep up with them all.

    $arah/Jezebel, you don’t have much time left. The Lord God did warn Ahab and his criminal ‘queen’; and He has warned you, too.

  • msf:

    I have an idea…..why don’t MSM & their rookies stop covering this disaster. I know we all get fixated on the sight of a train wreck, but it’s pretty obvious that with the able assistance of MSM Palin plans to stalk all the Republican candidates & put her hex on them for the next month or so. The craziness is becoming the norm. We have entered her crazy world instead of her “mainstreaming” the real world. This is nuts. First of all, this was supposed to be a family vacation, which it was not. MSM didn’t seem to notice this. Secondly, everyone jumped ship, except for poor, old Piper who can’t. Hello, hello MSM didn’t that seem a little strange? Her parents hovering in the background seems very odd (plus her parents seem odd even when not hovering ) & let’s not forget …….this is a 45 year old woman who wants to be President of the United States. Lord help us.

  • grammy97:

    Bristol, regarding $arah’s parents. The ‘parental love’ they’ve shown for her in the past is just as putrid as what she exhibits. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    My cynical old mind is more willing to believe that they, Chuck especially, stayed close to her to watch for signs of a melt-down. Between her erratic mental condition and her daily intake of a bouquet of drugs, she could be at risk of saying something that would be horribly incriminating. They don’t want to take responsibility for her any more than she wants to take responsibility for anything.

  • Rene:

    I have read a majority of comments on behalf of Piper. She is a child who deserves to be a child. Comments about her acting out behavior have been from care and concern of her like any other child.

    I need to call it what it is: abuse. Most notable is mental abuse and parental cruelty to say one thing, plan and do the opposite, target the media for what the parent deceived the children of. The blatant betrayal of trust between a parent and child was on exhibition. If these kids do not question nor consider the shrink wrap bus, press releases their cognition is impaired already. They lie with ease conning their kids someone else did it and they are the victim. Sarah and Todd are co perpetrators.

    Track appears unwilling to engage in pretense, to be a supporting actor to this narcissist’s cast.

  • hockeynana:

    This whole bus incident was just beyond crazy. She is going to teach the rest of us about America? In your own words, Sarah..”Thanks, but no thanks”. My family and I (both as the child and later as the parent) spent hours and even days at some of those same place, without any special guides. We listened respectfully to the people who explained and enlightened us. Yes, like all families, there were times when someone got tired and hot and needed a break. My heart broke for Piper when she obviously was totally frustrated with her mother’s (I hate to use that word for Sarah) lack of concern for her. It was funny watching how Sarah almost ran toward cameras and microphones..ignoring Piper.

    I am now the grandmother, once again going on these trips. One of the things that really bothered me when Piper was throwing her little attitude in the car that day was Sally’s total lack of concern too. Every grandmother I know would have made some attempt to engage Piper and help her deal. Sally made no attempt at all. There is something very very weird about the whole dynamics of this family!

    While I didn’t think it was possible, Todd has slipped even further down in my opinion of him. WHY would he leave a child to deal with that crazy woman and her crazy schemes? He took off almost immediately….yet he left that poor kid there.

    Seriously…those kids don’t stand a chance!

  • Nefer:

    “A difference between a blog and a book is that misunderstandings about who, what, when, where and why don’t get published in a book.”

    Looked at another way, sometimes mistakes do get published in a book, Joe. But the book can only be corrected in a next edition (if the author is interested in doing so!), and many people who read the prior edition will never see an updated or corrected edition.

    A blog, on the other hand, can be updated or corrected immediately (if the author is interested in doing so!) and even people who read the first post may come back to see additional comments, and thus see the update/correction.

    So thank you for your quick correction, Joe 🙂

    Of course, in a perfect world, mistakes would never be made, but we don’t live in a perfect world, we live in a world full of people!

  • curious:

    Go watch Bil Maher’s take on her trip, it might make you reconsider your next grifting tour to Iowa and South Caroline. You gonna ride the bus the whole way between them or take your patented fly over?

  • KarenJ:

    The problem for those children, though, is that their mother-in-name-only does not care FOR them as a normal mother would.

  • Psalm023:

    Good news for Piper then – she’s at a home with her mother where they can decompress.

    From the update, with Mr. McGinniss having had to put a no trespassing sign on his property, says some very disturbing things about the Palins. I recall at the beginning of last week, a tourist had just seen Sarah and her entourage and a reporter asked her what her thoughts were. She responded that she was so glad Sarah was a good christian woman who could bring back the values that were so absent in society. She admired her.

    This shows that most people rely on their 6:00 news channel to educate them, and most are too tired to follow the highjinks of policians and read blogs. So there is a disconnect. Sarah is being touted as a woman of integrity and the bible belts aren’t doing their homework. Hopefully – and I mean it – that the God of the bible allows justice to prevail and keeps us from terrorizing individuals.

  • Ailsa:

    Yes, yes, yes hockeynana! Grandma, grandpa or any thinking adult around – of which obviously there were none – would remove Piper, chat with her, suggest they go back to the bus and write in her Trip Journal (fat chance), have a chat about what was ahead for the day, take photographs with her new camera bought specially for the “vacation” or, here’s an idea, actually listen to the tour guide while mom is signing autographs etc. Any thinking parent would have scheduled stops along the way to play in a park or have one of these ice creams.

    It all boggles my mind.

  • m106:

    Grammy, I think you’ve nailed it. I’m in the thick of the Bailey book and he has frequently said how Todd would give them updates as to her “mood status”. If she was in a mood, they were told to not show or tell her anything that would “set her off”. When Todd was in town, he kept an eye on her for signs of meltdown- which according to everyone around her, were frequent. She had wild mood swings and her syncophants just accepted as normal for SP. Her parents are surely no different from her husband in keeping an eye on her and being a support-especially when she has one of her kids with her. How could Piper deal with a breakdown on her own?

    The woman is a shameful parent and all those at enable Sarah to continue her destruction are even worse.

  • KatieAnnieOakley:

    I believe they could have connected through Scottsdale, with $arah staying on in Scottsdale and the rest of the family flying-on to Sea-Tac and then Anchorage. Maybe even today.

    The fact $arah didn’t rush home to see the kids, especially Trig, is a GREAT, BIG TELL…

  • molly malone:

    Palin’s family vacation/reconnecting Americans with their history/non-political, gaudy One Nation bus tour was such an ill-conceived hodgepodge of nitwittery, Sarah could only have thought it up herself. And poor little Piper was dragged along to keep up the pretense of . . . something. (Who knows how that woman’s mind works?) At age ten, I hated being dragged along on visits to my grandparents because the boring conversations seemed to last forever. But at least I got to drink beer.

    Have Sarah’s thought processes always been this scrambled, or is she sailing farther and farther out of orbit?

  • KatieAnnieOakley:

    Agree. She seems to bring a positive influence to their relationship…

  • lilly lily:

    I met a neighbor out walking her new pup Piper… I would guess she likes the Palin. She mentioned how much work a new pup is, and I offered to take the dog out whenever I went for a walk as a new pup needs plenty of exercise and attention, just like humans on their road to adulthood.

    Now Piper the pup is the only pup I’m interested in now. May Piper be left in peace to grow up as well as she can in that dysfunctional family.

    I watch the pups across the street racing around whenever they are let loose to play, and I don’t dare go out to play with them as I would definatly adopt one. So the neighbor who did adopt and is exhaused with the pups Pipers demands for attention will get the benefit of my love of dogs.

    Isn’t it sad that a dog needs for attention are honored, and that she is better cared for than Sarahs daughter.

  • lilly lily:

    Sarah writes her own letters saying how great she is, then has others sign them. She praised herself as Lou Sarah. We know that much.

    I’ve often felt I was getting responses from Sarah herself elsewhere. Or at the least one of her representative herders or minders.

  • Kimberly:

    Watching Piper tormented after being lied to reminded me of a part in, My Sister’s Keeper. Does anyone else recall the father telling the mother their designer daughter was not going to believe her anymore they were going to get ice cream when in fact they were taking the child to hospital to be cut up for parts for her sister with Leukemia? I do believe Piper has had enough of being used. Now will one of her siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins intervene or are they willing to watch Piper be abused to keep their Escalades?

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Oh so your the same troll who trolled Dunn? Game on Troll! Emails coming out, RAM thrown under the bus for dissing Brisdull, and Joe’s book comes out…even a couple of her ex-fan club are dissing her and posting about her blow up boobs!
    You can Eff off!

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Karen…. Brooklyn is prob LuLu! lol!

  • Kimberly:

    For the safety of Piper and Trig it is best cameras stay on them. Something is going to happen. You know when it does Palin/Heath’s would bury the injury or body without witnesses.

    Have you read the lineage of the Palin’s and Heath’s? Todd’s mother burned a child inside out when she served the child lye? Todd’s sister, a felon who had her child front and witness to robbery, drugs, prostitution. Todd’s brother ran a woman over, left her for dead, in addition to be a drug dealer/user/alcoholic. What about Sarah’s family, her sister Molly, the way she left her son to be tasered after the cruel teasing he was a momma’s boy. Creepy Chuck should not be allowed near children EVER or his Nancy wife who turns the other cheek. Todd’s dad a crazy old man suing anyone he can make a buck off of. The list continues on and on. Not one adult from that clan stepped in to save Piper or Trig so far. It is a duty to have them surveyed 24/7 by cameras.

  • Jessica Clemons:

    LOL Mitch, now tell us what you really think! Well stated.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Wow! She looks like she had quite a few “Bailey’s and Coffee”! Was that Piper? She did call her “sister” but she looked different. Is she switching Piper around with the cousin now?

  • Sarah Paleeaassee:

    People are saying Piper was a little brat on Sarah’s tour, but you have to ask yourselves how would you act if you are forced to go where you don’t want to go?

    Hopefully somebody who really cares for Piper will tell Sarah to let Piper stay home and enjoy her summer vacation.

  • rm:

    On Hannity: After demonstrating a shocking ignorance of Paul Revere, Palin lectures Fox viewers the importance Of being “In Touch With Our Nation’s History”

  • lilly lily:

    The news media for example the LA Times, is accepting the reshoot of Pipers refusing to give reporter flowers, to the more charming smiling Piper as the Rill deal.

    And so it goes.

    At least Maher gets it right. If she gets anywhere now it is the more stupid of the American electorate, who are as moronic as she is.

    The republicans had better deball her by letting the real dill about Sarah out of the bag.

  • FrostyAK:

    “For the safety of Piper and Trig it is best cameras stay on them. ”

    Exactly what I have been thinking. Strange things have happened under the midnight sun…

    Where IS TriG?

  • Kimberly:

    Aren’t we about due for another People Magazine exclusive? Anyone want wagers on who gets the front page to distract from another Sarah EPIC FAILURE? I am guessing it will be Track and Britta expecting.

  • lillibird:

    I have enough common sense to know that if Sarah acts like this with her child in public imagine what is it like in private??? Maybe you can tell us who’s taking care of Trig..since you personally know all about that “close loving family”.

  • FrostyAK:

    So Joe, where did you get that sign? Locally, I’d guess? I live in a rather rough area, and would like one. All I currently have is this:


    FYI to your readers, signs such as these are commonly posted in the Wasilla area, hopefully to keep addicts from trying to buy their drugs from non-dealers. They can get pretty nasty when turned down. Do the police/troopers do anything about the pushers? No, they seem to have to die of natural or unnatural causes to get them out of the area. Had one whole family in the business locally for 15 years, and no amount of reporting made a difference. Both parents died and the kids are in jail for non-drug-related crime.

  • lilly lily:

    Well, well. Yahoo news states. “Piper Palin is officially having the best vacation ever.” I see loads of pictures with Piper in an assortment of sunglasses. Maybe that is the trick. She can’t be seen giving a stinky eye if her eyes are covered with tinted glasses. Piper is now a rock star like her mother.

    If she comes along to Iowa she’ll have a good supply of sunglasses.

    As usual I see on video that Hannity is groveling at her feet as Palin shakes her head in disgust at how she is misinterpreted by the media, from covering her bus with American flags to well “Everything.”

  • Kimberly:

    The way these people eat their young I have no doubt they would bury them, especially if no one was looking.

  • mitch:

    Thanks. I’m cranky in the morning and this woman pisses me off no end. It’s part of the reason why my wife and I live in separate houses. (Her adoration of $arah and Faux News. And this is a woman who has a Ph.d, values being educated and is a research scientist!)

  • lilly lily:

    I just checked out a very funny but somewhat rabid right winger type site. ( I was one of two moderates before I dumped it, though it used to make me laugh before it went racist about Obama).. I check it out every few weeks to laugh a bit. It is always silly and very funny but rarely serious about anything except bashing each other, and another blog that most of them hate with a passion.

    Well, someone brought up Sarah Palin and her little riff on Paul Revere. Wow. They slammed her though most of them absolutely detest Obama, …. if she runs they won’t vote for her. What a change. Before the election I recall posting bits from the Alaskan Papers, and mentioning Palins deceptions, and they would go ballistic. We went on and on and on and they were defensive about her as a Republican candidate.

    What a switcheroo.

    Most of them think she is whacko and stupid.

  • Kimberly:

    Ha, “Go spend some time with your kids before they’re pregnant”.

    The Steven Hawkins one is the best IMO.

    You can You Tube request to nicepeter to create a battle. Who should we submit going after Palin? So many historic figures but for now I think Paul Revere is hot and would go virla.

  • H.E.W.:

    I think we were all wishing she was whisked off and comforted with ice cream after standing around while her Mother stuck her boobs out and got as much attention as she could. I was carted around or shipped off to religious summer camps by my born-again, evangelical parents. I used to play games, like count to 100 while I waited for them to pick me up (never on time), or tell myself a story during long adult activities or church sermons. Sometimes I even did experiments to see if they would notice I was there. Hopefully Piper will have a better life as an adult so that she can make up for this pitiful existence she now lives. Personally, I applaud her surly behavior because I always stuck a smile on my face and was obedient. It never occurred to me to rebel. Stick it to them, Piper.

  • Susan:

    What we dare to do is speak the truth. Sarah may care for her children, but only after her needs and convienences have been met. And considering their lack of formal education, I feel comfortable referring to them as her useful idiots. I do hope that they find opportunities to overcome the damaging influences that surely have been there lot in life so far.

  • Larry King on Bill Maher’s show said her poll numbers probably went down (60% unfavorable) after watching the video clip of Sarah talking about Paul Revere…guess he was right!

  • themom:

    Said in my most sincere “Roseanne Roseannadanna” voice…..”NEVER MIND”.

  • Dante:

    Has anybody heard from FOX News regarding Sarah Palin’s history lesson?

  • Dis Gusted:

    it was my understanding that the ghostwriter for The Rogue did not do any fact checking or vetting. She took SP’s WORD as the truth. That’s pretty funny considering SP doesn’t know what truth is.

  • claire:

    I wonder why Todd didn’t take Piper with him when he and Willow high-tailed it off the “vacation” bus. Surely he could see it wasn’t the best environment for Piper. Is he afraid to cross Sarah?

  • claire:

    hmmm…that’s why my ex-husband and I live in separate states.

  • KatzKids:

    Creepy Chuckie isn’t along for the ride to support Scarah, he’s there to meet all the famous people & to make himself feel that he’s somehow relevant. He’s as much of a fame whore as his defective daughter & Sally is just dead inside from all her abuse & doesn’t care about anyone – especially her grandchildren who she either ignores or treats like foreign objects. I’ve never seen either of them show any love & concern for those kids either. SICK!

  • Sharon TN:

    I noticed how mama Heath ignored Piper while Sarah droned on & on to reporters when the 3 of them were sitting in the suv. I played the video several times to get it clear – Sally actually turned away from Piper & at one point, although the kid was sitting quietly & behaving fine, Sally (without turning to face Piper) nodded her head several time really fast as if she was angry & didn’t even want to look or talk to Piper. My impression of that woman is that she’s a ‘shallow stream,’ intellectually & emotionally & has little to offer. People keep mentioning Todd, “why doesn’t Todd do something?”, etc. Todd is no better that his wife, in fact he’s her chief enabler, he’s sure no head of his household. If anything, he comes across sneakier
    & as much, or more of a bully, than Sarah. Interesting how he never got Track involved with the whole
    Irondog thing, any young boy would be thrilled to be part of someting like that with their dad. No connection
    there at all. There all so dang odd, yet constantly hyped as ‘perfect all-American family.’

    Sharon TN

  • vhtg:

    For justustworebels: Since you claim to have grown up with the Palins and (also too) that you know them well, I appreciate the fact that you are uniquely positioned to shed some light and impart some truth on Willow’s latest debacle.

    Why did she get thrown out of school? Obviously she’s not just suspended; she’s been expelled, hence the whole homeschooling cover up. (Plus another Palin neighbor type claimed Willow’d been thrown out of school. (Btw, they revealed that news days before Sarah’s whole home schooling story emerged)

    Since Piper’s missed so many school days being dragged around on her mother’s jaunts that she must NEED home schooling / tutoring to catch up, I can’t see Sarah bothering to home school Willow for a few days suspension, so it’s obviously permanent. What was it this time? More vandalism? Drugs? Alcohol?

    Or is it just more of the usual Palin legacy? You know, the teenage maternity leave type thingy?

    In any case, please do tell us the truth, ‘just us two rebels’. Rather than have to get to “know” Willow in a book sometime down the road, you could enlighten us and (also too) stop the barrage of pendng speculation.

    Thanks! vhtg

  • lilly lily:

    The Globe, I know a rag, suggest that the Palins have hammered out a divorce. I’m sure Sarah will keep all the money she earns, why share future loot?

  • wasilla resident:

    A person has only to watch $arah Palin on TV to see that she cares ONLY about her own fame. If she really cared about her children, she would not have them in front of the cameras at any and all opportunities. Palin’s self serving media blitz is pathetic. Her family obviously suffers and she could care less. She certainly is not the mental giant that this country needs and yet she continues to think that she “has all the answers”. The only thing she DOES have is an ego the size of Alaska.

  • Lidia17:

    Worse, I think it’s pretty obvious that Sarah drags her own kids down to her level—and beneath her level—so that she is not outshone. Given the crap ethics and $hallow interests of so many people today, it’s not like her kids stand out as losers, of course. It’s just that she has robbed them of any real chance of having normal achievements or aspirations.

  • Lidia17:

    Has anyone looked into that story about him and Sally doing pest control at Ground Zero after 9/11?? I found that to be a bizarre and unlikely claim (the NYC area doesn’t have enough pest=control experts but that they have to call in Chuck Heath, ex-coach and subsitute teacher from AK?)… but no one ever seemed to have confirmed or denied it.

  • Limosis:

    Do you really think that Todd is capable of this? I thought he did not wear any pants

  • i admire what you’ve done with the page, and agree with what you’ve posted