“Prayer Shield” Protects Palin from Critics//UPDATE: How can she stay out when “lamestream” wants her in so bad?




Much attention is being paid to Sarah’s comment to Van Susteren last night that she has “fire in her belly.”  Video and transcript of her appearance here.

But to me the most revealing moment was when she said, “The darts and the arrows keep flying…it’s going to keep on coming and, you know, I feel like I have a prayer shield in front of me that deflects a lot of that..” [emphasis added]

No doubt the shield was manufactured by her Prayer Warriors, working overtime in the attic of the Palin home on Lake Lucille.

It’s hard for rational people to appreciate the extent to which Sarah is in the grip of religious delusion. I honestly believe that Sarah thinks God has armed her with both sword and shield and has sent her forth to do battle with the infidels. The Anchorage Daily News was on to more than its reporters and editors realized when they called Sarah “The Joan of Arc of Alaskan politics” in 2006.

Look again at her remarkable words to “Focus on the Family” founder James Dobson toward the end of the 2008 campaign:

As I write in THE ROGUE :

Dobson told her that not only was he praying for her but that he’d just hosted a gathering of more then four hundred “prayer warriors” and that, “We were sure asking for God’s intervention,” in the campaign.

“Well, it is that intercession that is so needed,” Sarh said. “And I can feel it, too, Dr. Dobson. I can feel the power of prayer and that strength that is provided through our prayer warriors across this nation…We hear along the rope lines that people are interceding for us and praying for us. It’s our reminder to do the same, to seek His perfect will for this nation, and to of course seek His wisdom and guidance in putting this nation back on the right track…I have to have faith that our message will get out there minus the filter of the mainstream media…I have to have that faith that God’s going to help us get that message out there.”

Unfortunately, the Big Guy in the Sky fell asleep at the switch on election day. But Sarah’s had his ear plenty since then and she’s not going to let him make the same mistake twice.



See Chris Cillizza in “The Fix” in Washington Post:

In a field without much star power, a Palin candidacy would immediately suck the media oxygen out of the room for the other contenders.  Put simply: Palin is the only potential candidate in the field who could go to Iowa tomorrow and have 5,000 people show up.

65 Responses to ““Prayer Shield” Protects Palin from Critics//UPDATE: How can she stay out when “lamestream” wants her in so bad?”

  • Trish:

    He didn’t fall asleep. He just answered with a resounding, “No way.”

  • This aspect of Sarah Palin is what unnerves me the most. I think she should get together with that fellow, Alan Miller, in Australia who says he is Jesus. (http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/im-jesus-riverland-man-says/story-e6frea83-1226055976446)

    Or maybe, if/when she runs for President, she could pick him to be her VP. /snark

    We already know she refuses to accept the notion of separation of church and state, a la any good believer in Dominionism. If only Christian zealots could see there is no essential difference between enforcing Sharia law and enforcing Christian law in a given state or population…

  • Chuck in Alaska:

    She’s going to be raptured tomorrow anyway, so we can all stop worrying about her.

  • karenw729:

    Why does $arah have to use the word “that” so much? She uses it 9 nine times in the one quoted paragraph. above. She always does this in her word salads…tries to string together thoughts with the word “that.” It seems to disenfranchise her personally from the actual acts and/or feelings she’s trying to describe.

  • brbr2424:

    Also, “those who” and “should be so” and “too.” You wonder if what she says makes sense in her own head or if she just figured out that stringing together certain nonsense key words makes her a lot of money.

  • Flying Pig Ranch:

    Prayer Shields & Magic Underwear. Onward Christian Soldiers marching off to WAR!!! It should be enough to scare the Bee Jee Zusss out of us liberal wussies.

  • Molly:

    I still find it hard to believe that she has any concept of God. She is so wrapped up in herself that I didn’t think she would have any time for God. Are you sure she’s not pretending? 😉

  • mitch:

    It’s beyond me why these things aren’t openly discussed on a daily basis on TV or in newspapers and periodicals. What are all of these journalists (except Joe, Dunn et al of course) afraid of? I’d be all over this whatever she is.

  • MC3031:

    I don’t think she believes it in her heart at all. It’s just words for her to latch onto. For real, I don’t think she gives one rat’s butt about God, Jesus, etc. She cares about Sarah and how much $$/power she can grab. Not her kids, her husband, her parent, nothing. Just Sarah.

    Words like “prayer shield” are the silent whistles to the evangelicals who buy into what she’s selling. It’s sad but not surprising.

    Clearly we’ve seen there’s no level to which she will not stoop to grab money. Grifter Granny indeed.

  • Sarah HalfTime:

    So, Worst Govenor Ever, hows the prayin going?

  • Tservo:

    It’s junk like prayer shields that make the fundies love Palin oh so very much!
    Over at C4P, they are so entralled by Queen ‘Cuda, they will not tolerate dissent from their party line.
    Everything Palin says is right- she knows best. All her words are deliberate, and some may actually be from God himself!
    Doubt in your heart while there, but do not dare to voice your doubts of Sarah on their board- like all cultists, they will bombard you with hate.

    I am extremely suspicious of politicians who wrap themselves in a cloak of righteousness.

  • Dang – where can I get myself one of those there Prayer Shields?

    I think I’ll go hang out at the Wasilla Assembly of God Saturday and pick up all those spare prayer shields left behind in their parking lot at 6:01 pm.

  • Molly:

    I agree.

  • Molly:

    Lol…….I hope they leave a few wallets, cars and big screen tvs as well.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Well she better get a huge one for what Malia Litmen has released on her!
    Letter to the Chief Criminal US Attorney in Anchorage « Malia Litman’s Blog http://t.co/32xp7om
    Re: the SPA program: highlights to the fax are “Hobbs act” “RICO”!!!
    and we all know Mary Glazier palins “mentor” (7 mountains) brags how her and other “prayer warriors” prayed to death… Mother Theresa & Princess Di! Yes two of the moved beloved woman of the world!

  • Jessica Clemons:

    Love it!

  • lilly lily:

    You can send Joe one of those.

    I prefer St Michaels shield. We all protect ourselves one way or another.

    A white light protecting you is a common enough concept in alternative medicine.

  • AFM:

    Maybe there were 5,000 people praying for president Obama? God chose wisely little grasshopper.

  • shamus:

    Ah, Joe? You’ve got a little typo going on their. I believe Palin used the term “Prayer Shilld.”


  • shamus:

    I guess I do too. S/B “there.”

  • FrostyAK:

    I find all of this Talibangelical mythology from her to be just sooo not realistic. IMO, all of $arah’s screeching about God is just red meat for her ‘faithful’; and they eat it up, begging for more. It is about FEAR, plain and simple.

    Does she see HERSELF as the second coming of Christ? Joe, can you give us your thoughts on that?

  • Psalm023:

    I never heard of anyone who could expect God to protect them with a prayer shield if they weren’t obeying His Word. Many christians ask for prayer from one another and in certain circumstances a church prayer group or ministry will all pray together for that one in critical need. And, they’ll pray for a leader to be led by God and practice the good fruit of the spirit in their job, and stay away from the temptations of corruption.

    If Sarah lies, cheats, hurts, creates divisions, how can she in good faith believe that the Lord is going to reward her? Does she think that God rewards the unrighteous?

    The steward who was almost thrown in jail because he couldn’t pay his boss was given a second chance; the boss took pity on him and forgave him. Then the steward has someone under him in the same circumstance, who owed him money. The steward had NO compassion and threw him in jail. Jesus told this parable and was adamant that that steward was in the wrong. Sarah Palin is an unforgiving (Kernell)(Levi Johnston) individual and holds a grudge a mile long. Does she really think until she lets that go and forgives them, and tells the truth that God will bless her? She’s in defensive mode and is using that so people will think her christian base honors her and that she’s righteous in their eyes.

    Someone didn’t teach her well in Sunday school.

  • M:

    Heh, yeah, Sarah herself alluded to God’s “perfect will.” I think Obama winning the election is proof of that!

  • nswfm:

    If she’s gone tomorrow–and, don’t you know, I REALLY HOPE SO!–there may actually be a god!

  • Jo:

    As much hate, lies, revenge, self pride, racism, and disregard for the poor and disabled she spews I think her master is the devil.

  • ModerateMiss:


    I wanted to ask you about something. I have seen comments at different blogs that the house next to the Palins was once used as a meth lab. Was that the one you lived in last Summer? The house on the other side? Did you ever hear anything about this?

  • carollt:

    If God is on Sarah’s side, why is Mr. Obama the President. Face it Sarah, God is just not that into you.

    Sarah, what happened to your wedding ring?

  • Sharon_Too_Also:

    Phil, I just sent you one by email that will protect you even more 🙂

  • voiceinwind:

    I think so, too.

  • Dinty:

    Re: your update

    5000 people would show up, more than half specifically to vote against her, though!

  • Joe:

    I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the book for more on that.


  • jk:

    I’d there is a rapture tomorrow, Sarah’s certainly not going anywhere.

  • rob:

    Tune in for more fun:
    Karl Rove
    Will be talking about Obama’s #MESpeech & today’s meeting w/ PM Netanyahu, as well as Sarah Palin’s #2012 plans on @hannityshow 9PM.


  • Dusty:

    Less than a 1000 showed up at the WI Union Rally. I doubt she can pull in big numbers anymore.
    Palin fatigue is sweeping the nation and all anyone has to do is report she would sign the Ryan bill and she will be toast.

  • Freesia:

    You’re kidding.

    Oh that’s awful. What a freak. (Does Palin ever affiliate with anybody who isn’t a twisted sister or a moral degenerate? She positively repels normal.)

  • H.E.W.:

    Up to my young adulthood, I grew up with people like the Palins and Grahams (I even had to be in the same room with Billy Graham once.) These are people who can quote scripture, cheat on their taxes, fuck their kid’s soccer coach and cheerfully bake a tuna casserole for the Wednesday night carry-in prayer meeting. Once I declared myself an atheist, I was able to learn real morals. If Sarah Palin grew up the way I think she did, she has no sense of right and wrong, and she doesn’t need to work, learn or study. She thinks “the Lord” will lead her miraculously through all the debates and into a winning election night, and that her special calling allows her to annihilate any uncooperative “unbeliever” along the way.

  • Joe:

    I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks much for this.


  • WakeUpAmerica:

    Translation of her prayer shield comment: “God loves me the most!”
    What a sick, delusional woman.
    What a waste of skin.

  • Dr Who:

    Joe, for your last chapter, see the comments on Malia Litmans blog under her recent wedding ring post.
    If what was posted there is true, it’s huge. Let us know what you think if possible.

  • EatMoreFish:

    I have not seen any pictures of $arah or any Pay-lins attending church or worshipping anywhere for a few years. Any gravel people from Wasilla have anything to report? What’s Rev. Murthee up to lately?

  • KiteGirl:

    You are right on point there!
    I just finished reading “The Looming Tower”, and the message of the religious zealots – no matter their religion – is a frightening one. People in this country need to wake up to the danger of these Christianist zealots here in the US, and the danger they pose to our free society.

  • jenny:

    The prayer shield is a most curious device. I too wonder why one would need a shield. I guess if you aren’t “with them” you are against them. So Christian, hmmmm? Kind of makes me sick. As to the word salad and the stringing of words together with “that” … Palin has an inability to communicate. She seeks words to bridge her incoherent thoughts and ends up looking even more dim. I wonder why this behavior wasn’t addressed in “communications” school. I also think she sounds like a evangelical hack. She has the mannerisms down pat.

  • H.E.W.:

    Thank YOU. I am writing a memoir about my childhood training as a Christian soldier. I doubt I will ever find a publisher, since it’s obvious Snooki and Bristol Palin are getting the book contracts these days.

  • Jessica Clemons:

    Agreed, God probably told her to run so that the votes will go to the Obama/Biden ticket.

  • Mary:

    Well, I hope it was de-contaminated according to legal standards, Joe, for your sake. That is serious stuff.

  • Dear Mr. McGinnis,

    I wrote this poem around Dec. 2010, but I think it still applies to her even now as she considers a run for President. (I originally posted it on a blog that never quite got off the ground. The website, however, along with my email address is posted above.) I hope you enjoy it:

    Sarah’s Night Before Christmas

    ‘Twas the night before Christmas, on the edge of Wasilla
    Sarah stared out her window, thinking, Snow’s like vanilla . . .
    Vanilla ice cream, that is . . . and she giggled with glee,
    Like my fans on my book tour, like snow, like me.

    And how refreshing we are when the winter feels hot,
    Because Obama’s the President; Global warming it’s not!
    You see, Obama’s to blame for the economy’s state,
    He’s to blame for Al Qaeda, and when gays marry and mate.

    He’s the reason I wasn’t crowned Miss Alaska;
    Didn’t the woman who won look just like him, I’ll ask ya?
    He’s the reason that cute, perky Katy Couric attacked me;
    He’s the reason that guy throwing tomatoes nearly whacked me.

    He wants to change healthcare, impose death panels, and just maybe,
    He’s been thinking about killing my Down’s syndrome baby.
    He’s a shadow of darkness on this cold Christmas Eve night,
    He’s a shadow just hovering over my pure bright white light.

    But don’t worry my true American friends, my tea-partyin’ vanilla family;
    My path’s been foretold and the rapture is near; neither Obama nor witches can stop me!
    After selflessly resigning as governor, the liberals then screamed I’m a quitter,
    But I’m not a lame duck and they won’t keep me from, writing to you on Face Book and Twitter!

    And to you mean pajama-clad bloggers: Yes, I’m talking to Gryphen and Bree,
    And to Muckraker, Sullivan, Celtic Diva and Moore; you haven’t heard the last of me.
    Do you really think the first amendment protects you, as you write your un-American lies?
    Cease now and repent or suffer the wrath of my prayer warriors who pray for your demise.

    And now a shout of encouragement, to the non-elite media, Fox News;
    And to those who welcome the salvation, I bring to the Republican Party blues.
    Now Greta! Now, Glenn! Now Sean Hannity and Neil!
    On, Bachmann! On, Cheney! On McCain and Bill!
    To the top of the ratings charts, to the top of the polls!
    Support Sarah and SarahPAC, until Obama’s head rolls!

    The day will come when evil Democrats, will be in power no more.
    The day will come when God will say, “Sarah, open that door,”
    So Merry Christmas, real Americans! Sweet dreams until the dawn,
    Dream of 2012 and Trig playing on the White House lawn.

    By J.W. Morgan

    P.S. I am a white agnostic college educated female from Texas. I love and support my President and abhore Sarah Palin and everything that she stands for. I’m half-way through Geoffrey Dunn’s amazing book, and look forward to reading your new release in September.

  • BlueberryT:

    Write it anyway.

  • Chiba:

    Meh, God has her on disregard. Those voices she hears in her head come from the incessant chatter of her flying monkeys. Watch out Sarah, those monkeys are SATAN in disguise. lol The only “shield” Sarah wears is one that blocks any kind of intelligence and compassion from seeping into her black grifters soul.

  • FrostyAK:

    Gryphen posted this link to her ‘prayer warriors’:


    They mythology seems to never stop…

  • sharon:

    Although a few excellent books are coming out, my money is on yours Joe. I’ve witnessed your mighty pen and i’m hoping your book is the one that sends her flying monkeys over the cliff….and her with them.

  • Freesia:

    Mr. McGinnis I have a couple of questions. It goes to what you describe as her “religious delusion”.

    During the course of your research did you delve into, or hear anything from your contacts, that would lead you to believe that Sarah has a medicated mental disorder? (I’ve always believed that there is more than just a questionable pregnancy story buried in her medical records. Something is clearly unbalanced about the woman.) I just finished reading this (tongue and cheek but still informative) blog article by Malia Litman which goes to the possibility: http://malialitman.wordpress.com/2011/05/21/only-you-can-prevent-fires/

    Also (and too) have you ever had a conversation with Frank Schaeffer? As a refugee from (and an apologetic architect of) the religious right who has homed in on the religious fanaticism that is behind Sarah’s entire political journey, I wonder if he might have information and perspective that you could use for your book.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Not kidding! Go to Talk2action they have a whole page on Sarah & Mary Glazier. Something about Mary and others were in the Himalaya’s….

  • Freesia:

    Thank you. 🙂

    I’ll dig through those. I’ve heard somewhat about her Glazier connection and have read things here and there (Bruce Wilson has written some terrific articles about the Dominionist/Jesus Camp/Joel’s Army/Holy Laughter crowd and he may be in those links) , but I’m still educating myself. It’s hard to accept that people could be that deranged and walk amongst normal people.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:


    Here is one but its not exactly the one I’m thinking off, that one specifically mentions the Himalayan trip and bragging how they prayer Princess Di & Mother Theresa to death. Bruce is also part of the Talk2 action.
    “Several unmistakable signs in the natural world confirmed that it had been a successful venture and that it had deeply affected the invisible world. If not the strongest, the Operation Ice Castle would be seen as one of the strongest assaults on the Queen of Heaven ever undertaken by the armies of God.”

    The results is also celebrated in the testimony of the lead strategist for the operation, Prophetess Ana Mendez, Special Task Coordinator of the World Prayer Center. The target is identified,

    “… a demonic power misinterpreted as Mary by some Christian churches, honoured by Muslims as Fatima, and known to others as Diana or Artemis.”

    The testimonial continues with the dramatic results,

    “Since then, we have seen millions come to faith in Asia. Pastor Lok Main Bandhari, who had welcomed us to Nepal, then had a church of 70 people. Two years later, his movement had grown to 1,000 churches. Within two weeks of the expedition, other things happened which I believe are also connected: the huge fire in Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation; an earthquake destroyed the basilica of Assisi, where the Pope had called a meeting of all world religions; a hurricane destroyed the infamous temple ‘Baal-Christ’ in Acapulco, Mexico; Princess Diana died, a representative of the British throne, to which Sir Edmund Hillary dedicated Mount Everest; and Mother Teresa died in India, one of the most famous advocates of Mary as Co-Redeemer.”

    These people are sick!

  • MO Inkslinger:

    Being a conservative Christian, I have never seen or heard a more non-Christian person than Sarah Palin. When she showed up on the national stage sniffing McCain’s underwear, I started doing some research. She does not attend church regularly and she does not tithe.

  • Lisabeth:

    The prayer warriors for Palin also have U- tube channel.
    It’s pretty interesting and it gives a good idea of what they believe.
    She grew up with this idea of Christianity. My Christian friends who really practice the actual teachings of Jesus Christ find her deplorable.

    I can’t understand why these prayer followers can’t clearly see Palins real record and her real behavior ( which has been terrible) towards others. She has consistently used and stepped on people who were once her friends. These warriors are completely in denial about her true nature. It’s actually sad and scary at the same time.

  • newmeximan:

    The “Prayer” site links to $arahPAC. Does that surprise anyone?

  • Maybe she …

    1) Thinks she’s being paid by the word

    2) Is padding her chatter to buy herself time to still not remember things right

  • AKRNC:

    If Palin was the person she claims to be, she would have been raising money for special needs when she quit on the people of Alaska, rather than raking in the money for herself. How can anyone not see this? I asked that very question on a board with her supporters awhile ago and the excuses were flying fast and furious. For example, “you have no idea what Sarah does in her spare time since she abhors publicity” (truly delusional) and another claimed to know her personally and said that Sarah gives generously of her time and especially her money, does numerous speeches for free, etc. but had no explanation as to why she gave a whopping $1k to the DSF and $5k to Bachmann’s campaign on the same day, 12/31/09. Her followers are truly blind to the reality of Palin. In fact, I read the other day on a newspaper forum that “it’s a well-known fact in Alaska that then Senator Obama initiated the Troopergate investigation by promising money to the troopers if he was elected”. Even after reminding this poster that investigation against Palin started over two months prior to her being named the nominee, somehow it was still all President Obama’s fault. They also claim he’s responsible for all the ethics claims against her, going so far as to pay the people to file them. What’s really frightening is that these people vote!! They are as delusional and clueless as Palin.

  • minky:

    I grew up with a nominal knowledge of Hinduism, both my parents being Hindu and me being a coconut Indian and was married to a person who was educated as a Catholic and we took our boys to a Unitarian Church until he felt the Unitarians were too liberal (I left that marriage shortly thereafter). Through some exposure to 12 Step programs, reading Rabbi Kushner’s book, and other works (including a few cartoons,) I came to realize that praying for a particular goal or end is arrogance in that we are telling God what he/she should be giving us unless it’s a prayer to help understand and accept what God’s will is for us. Why would anyone need a prayer shield and why are her minions so arrogant as to ask that of another person? If Jesus did exist, even he asked for the cup to be taken from him but did not ask another to take it for him.
    Just sayin’…

  • palin takes from the wounded and weak that believe and trust her, she breaks all God coommandments,even the killing of innocent animals for her pleasure. i can understand for food,but she is
    so rich and getting richer by her donations she gets from saraPAC. she is smart enough to con these simple minded people that think she is a decent christian woman. she won’t even take care of her sick little boy that needs a lot of love and care from his mom. when her looks fade away so will she.

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