Rosanne Cash tells what a caring, truly pregnant mother would have done in Texas









Johnny Cash was and is one of my few heroes.  My admiration for him is based not only on my appreciation of his unique talent as singer, songwriter and performer, but on the courage he showed as a Nashville heavy hitter who stood up for Bob Dylan way back when Bob was considered a commie jew anti-war hippie by the country music establishment, and for Johnny’s overcoming substance abuse problems to create a whole new oeuvre in his later years, and for his being a man who never tried to shove his Christianity down anyone’s throat, and who, throughout his life, opposed needless war, imperialism, racism and insensitivity to the less fortunate among us.

It was my admiration for him that first led me to the marvelous music and equally fine writings of his multi-talented daughter, Rosanne.

In October, 2008, she wrote a brilliant commentary in The Nation, called “Why I’d Be a Better VP than Sarah Palin.

Contained therein is her straight from the shoulder shot about Sarah being pregnant with Trig in Dallas and taking the wild ride to Wasilla:

Finally, there is one subject in which I find I am even more conservative than the Governor, and that is in the area of neo-natal responsibility. The Governor was eight months pregnant and in Texas to give a speech, when her water broke. She reportedly made her speech and then traveled eleven hours, dripping amniotic fluid, bypassing Seattle and Anchorage (major cities with world-class hospitals) to travel to a small hospital in Wasilla that had no neo-natal intensive care unit, and gave birth there. Call me a wimp, call me insecure, but you had better also call me a maverick, because I would have said “Damn the schedule! Damn the speech and the airline ticket!” If this had been me, as soon as my water broke, I’d be at the closest hospital and that baby would have been born in Texas!

This is from a mother of five whose career has taken her to far more places around the world than Sarah’s has.

It’s a question of priorities.

What matters more:  the life and well-being of your Down Syndrome baby, about to be born prematurely, or your image?

The estimable Ms. Cash makes clear the choice she would have made.

Which is the choice any sane and caring woman in that circumstance would have made.  And the choice her husband–if he were caring–would have insisted on!

This leaves us with only two options:

a) Sarah is/was either not sane, or was so uncaring that she was more concerned about her image than about the life she was carrying inside her.


b) She wasn’t pregnant.

I just don’t see a third alternative.


125 Responses to “Rosanne Cash tells what a caring, truly pregnant mother would have done in Texas”

  • SCmommy:

    Sing it, sister Rosanne!!!!

    And Joe, looks like you’re getting closer to seeing thru the empathy belly every day now! 😉

  • curious:

    She could be B but I’d toss in a dose of A for dreaming the damn scheme up and carrying it out to this day. As the lies continue they compound in their damage and the people who get sucked in. If she’d come clean, begged for privacy and stood aside from 2008 she could have come back much stronger and more honestly than she’s seen today. Not that I would have voted for her but at least I might have a shred of respect. Now she’s sucking her daughter into it as well

  • Justsayin:

    Well, the third choice would be she was induced but not in danger and there was no leakage/contractions. She made it up to appear like superwoman. Honestly, it’s so weird to me that an elaborate story was concocted. Why was the 18th so important? Trig’s birthday is celebrated on that day to date. I believe he was born April 18. He looked less than a year old in Jan 09. He was slightly bigger than Tripp, a newborn. So, did Sarah get creative ordid she and Todd get a call from a woman who was in labor? Or, oh heck, I have no freaking idea.

    SOOOO WEIRD. I’m just glad the little fella is happy and loved.

  • CDNpotpourri:

    You’re right – there are two options. I fear option b) is looking more and more convincing given all the damning information that’s out there. But alas, the chances that the truth will surface looks dismal. Palin seems to be able to evade any sordid scandal without any retribution.

  • JR:

    I’ll take the combo, Joe. I don’t think Sarah Palin is sane nor do I believe she was pregnant with Trig. Ever.
    The research that you have done for your book must have yielded some information about Sarah Palins mental and emotional health. As an amateur studying her from afar I am very curious about how her mind works, and I firmly believe there is something very wrong.

  • Me:

    Oh come on Joe, hospitals in Texas are not equipped for the birth of square pillows.

  • Pat in MA:

    Who….. lives in a world filled with lies and deceit?


    (apologies to Sponge Bob)

  • BlueberryT:

    Good post, and I am extremely grateful to Roseanne Cash for calling BS on Sarah’s story. Hers is a great response, and the one that ANY sane woman would make under those circumstances. To say nothing of the fact that Baylor Medical Center was within minutes of her hotel…world class hospital, NICU, literally minutes away. If indeed there were no fetal distress or concern about infection or prolapse of the umbilical cord, Palin could have been examined and sent on her way with more than enough time to make it for the all-important speech. But, that would presume that she was pregnant, and as it happens, she was not.

  • Psalm023:

    Well, maybe a third alternative is that Todd Palin forced her to travel in that condition, which would describe a reckless uncaring unfeeling husband and father.

  • Karen:

    Thanks. Your book has been pre-ordered.
    I said to self when I first heard the story, the day she was introduced…something is not right here.
    Why the 18th? Because it was part of the Pioneer Woman image she was trying to burnish. Imagine if she was in Washington State, visiting relatives, and her “water broke” No story there. G\Bravely giving a speech between contractions? Wow! what a woman! Signing legislation, even tweeting subordinates hours after “giving irth”? Wow! What a woman!
    remember, she had known for quite some time she was being considered as VP choice. The day after McCain is nominated, she announces she is preggers. No coincidence.
    McCain’s reputation is at stake here, remember, and in part the reason this has not been blown out of the water. Imagine what it will do (would do) to his reputation if in fact she did perpetrate this fraud. As bad for him as for the Grifter.
    Again, thank for your diligence.

    Oh, and Sarah, how is that nice “contribution” from Eli Lilly making out after you pulled a midnight deal with them on the Alaska lawsuit and robbed your citizens of a much larger settlement? Hope you sleep well at night.

  • Liar Of The Year:

    Pick a) or b) – either way it’s all lies. Too bad Casey Anthony who bragged to her friend “Oh my God, I’m such a good liar” wasn’t born a Palin. She wouldn’t on trial right now.

  • Linda1961:

    Great post Joe, but something I wonder about is why Roseanne Cash’s excellent piece wasn’t publicized more and why more don’t question SP’s story. It’s interesting that you write that SP is so concerned with her image, and I agree with that. However, it seems that by being so concerned with image, rather than substance, she fails to see how insane or how uncaring her stated actions would seem to others. It’s her tale of the Reckless Ride that first caused me to doubt she was ever pregnant with Trig.

  • Pat in MA:

    Just checked my amazon account to make sure I’ve pre-ordered The Rogue. I happened to scroll down the product page and saw the “tags customers associate with this product” … wicked funny

  • Linda1961:

    The thing is that no loving, caring Pioneer Woman would take necessary risks, but SP did. That’s what makes me mad when I hear about SP being praised for being a Pioneer Woman.

  • curiouser:

    Thank you for the Johnny Cash-Bob Dylan story. I love them both.

    Roseanne Cash’s commentary on the wild ride is new to me and I thought I’d read it all. After all I’ve seen and heard of Sarah, I could easily believe option ‘a’ if only someone could explain how the March 14 photo is possible given the alleged birth of a 6lb 2oz baby 35 days later.

  • B:

    If Rick Perry has his way, those are the only deliveries the public hospitals in Texas will be able to handle.

  • Ottoline:

    Hey, JR — Me too: I’ll take the combo.

    For me, one of (Palindeception) Audrey’s most eye-opening posts was one in which she described what would happen if an 8-mo pregnant woman were to give birth on a plane (or 7.5-mo, as Palin claimed later; or a 35-week pregnant woman, per the suspicious CBJ election-eve medical letter).

    I’ve had babies but I’ve never witnessed a birth, as midwife Audrey had. We all know that until the birth happens, no one really knows how it will go. So if a pregnant, leaking Palin got on that plane, she would know that MAYBE some or all of the following might happen: as she felt the birth approaching, she might go to the bathroom to try to labor in private and sop up fluids — even in first class, this is a cramped and dirty place. She might be in great pain (no meds). Later, she might be splayed out in the aisle or in a bank of first-class seats, not a lot of pads and blankets that can be instantly whisked away as amniotic fluid, pee, poop, and blood leaks out of her, and she might vomit more than once. She might be moaning involuntarily, by now she might be naked or partly naked, and she would be touching nonsterile surfaces all around her — even downright dirty surfaces. Breech birth, anyone? As the baby is born there is meconium and afterbirth and blood. Non-medical folks might be the only ones to assist her. Other passengers might take photos or video or sound recordings that could include all of it, to appear on YouTube the next day. No meds if Palin’s blood pressure were to soar. With any complication, there would really be no options until the plane did an emergency landing and she met an ambulance (and this could take time). Obviously, Palin could be in agony or die if complications happened, and ditto her premature fetus with a hole in his heart. There would be no oxygen or help for a baby with respiratory problems. Jackie Kennedy’s baby Patrick died right after birth due to respiratory problems because he was a month early.

    So Audrey asked: Why was Palin not afraid to get on either of the two planes she took, fearing such a humiliating, life-threatening, and painful possible scenario? And Audrey answered: “For the same reason **I** am not afraid to board a plane: because I know I am not pregnant.”

    How can anyone believe Palin took a risk like this? As I said, JP and I will take the combo.

  • B:

    You are so right. No Trignostic, not even Joe, has explained how Palin’s belly could be totally flat on Mar. 14 and a month later be a 6+ lb. baby. I see no option but B, no pregnancy. And I know of absolutely no evidence of pregnancy that cannot be explained away: she wore padding under clothing and she adopted a baby.

  • Ottoline:

    Bingo: the flat-profile Mar 14 photo says it all, and no pregnancy-believer EVER comments on it. Or even looks at it, probably.

  • msf:

    About damn time.

  • Olivia:

    What a heroic woman she could have appeared to be if she had adopted a DS baby. No need for the big lie, the wild ride. What a fucking idiot!!!

  • Cracklin' Charlie:

    Thank you, Joe,
    That was a wonderful tribute to the “Man in Black”. He is one of my personal heroes. I was recently at a party and told some guys that I was from Arkansas. They started in on the usual hillbilly jokes, and then made the comment that there was no famous people from Arkansas. My response: two words – Johnny Cash.

    I didn’t have a bit of trouble from them the rest of the night.

    I have no doubt that John raised a daughter who is really a fine woman, but as a mother, I’ll bet she knows that $arah wasn’t pregnant.

  • Joe:

    Who says he’s happy and loved?


  • Joe:

    For me, Dyess produced a far greater American than did Hope.

    Arkansas has nothing to apologize for.

    Unlike Alaska, which I love.


  • Connie:

    ….and where is the little fella these days???? One would think at this age which is especially important to his development he would NEED his mother by his side instead of her roaming the country looking like a fool. Or perhaps he is with his REAL mother?????

  • JR:

    In my eyes the questions cannot be separated. What sane person fakes a pregnancy (actually puts padding under her clothing!)? What sane person travels 10 hours by air and auto (after her water breaks!) to a regional medical clinic to deliver a high risk premature baby ? Whatever the reasoning, neither options are the actions of a sane person.

  • Lidia17:

    Karen, I would love to read about this Eli Lilly case!!

    Can you write something up and send it to Politicalgates, or maybe Malia Litman (she’s a lawyer)?? I would love to see a post on this.

  • Lidia17:

    Linda, I hope Joe can answer as to the media.

    Narcissists, having no empathy, can’t predict how people will react upon hearing their stories. Not being normal, they can’t project what normal people would do, even in weaving a lie.

  • gypsyrose:

    Is this the story you have been told to float out there in the blogosphere to see if it catches hold?
    Is sarah looking for a story she can sell to get out of jail free when the indisputable truth is finally revealed about the birth of Trig?

    Trig’s birthday is celebrated on April 18th is it? Why would sarah tweet a birthday message to Trig in ”10 and in ’11 yet use the exact same photo in both tweets two years in a row? Why justsayin? What mother do you or anyone know- whether biological or adoptive mother- who does not proudly display the growth of her child?

    yeah, thought so. Sarah is feeling it now isn’t she? It just won’t go away will it? There are even more people now asking about it aren’t there?

    As Joe said, there is NO third option. Had there been, it would have been all too easy to dispel it herself right away……………..others in the political light have done so.


  • Sarah HalfTime:

    So did Sowah make Piper put up a lemonade stand at the end of the driveway and give orders not to sell to you? Scheesh Joe this is harsh and totally a scenario straight from Sowahs world.

    The use of kids as props isn’t unusual for Alaska’s Shame. Even in the face of danger. I’m sure Joe, you have read the Worst Govenor Ever little incident in Juneau, where $owah sends Piper out to the street to operate and run a lemonade stand. A street too narrow for the huge tour buses, which Piper was to sell too…

    And the Lier likes to let her rightous, redwing, nutjob, neo christen clueless followers know, that Piper is actally the poster child for a anti choice poster…

    As a lifelong Bristol Bay Commericial setnetter, born before statehood and currently a 19 year resident of Wasilla… Out of mere safety, I would of had the kid in Texas. It is that simple.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Justsayin’ ummm we have had dr.s weigh in on Laura Novaks blog that TriG was not a “newborn” in the pics we say so cut the Bullshit.
    When TriG was at the RNC he WAS HUGE! Much bigger than a “five” month old.
    So cut the Palinbot crap.
    We Know!

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Karen can you give a link to the Eli lilly email? thanks.

  • Lynne:

    Damn straight. A real mother would never have taken the risk of having her child die like Paylin did. A real mom would not have gotten on the plane because a real mom would have listened to a real doctor’s advice that you NEVER get on a plane with leaking fluid. Ever. It.Never.Happened

  • Third alternative – she was trying to kill the fetus, which is part of why she had kept it secret for so long. Even after she made the subject public, she couldn’t help herself, and kept on trying to kill him.

  • Cracklin' Charlie:

    I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Dyess, but it is exactly the way Cash sang it. I grew up about 30 miles from Dyess, in the Arkansas Delta. When I was young, Johnny Cash was like a God. People had his picture hanging on the walls of their house, like some hang pictures of Jesus. He had to have known people felt this way, and he showed a great respect for his fans. He knew that these were the “little people” of the world, but he never treated them that way. They loved him, and he loved them back.
    I really don’t hold Alaska responsible for $arah, I think a lot of crazy things were going on politically from 2000-2006. I think the reach of Rove and Diebold reached deeply into elections for governors all across the United States.
    I now live in Missouri, and we had Baby Blunt (Matt, Roy’s son) for a governor. He was pathetic, and served one term and left, never to be heard from again. What under 40 year old governor doesn’t run for re-election? We also lost Gov. Mel Carnahan (D), who died in a small plane crash while running for US Senate, and he was still elected. That’s just two things that happened in Missouri, and there are lots of examples. Strange days indeed!

  • Me:

    That has always been my theory, Philip.

  • CW:

    It is intensely telling that there are no photos of Trig on the day of his purported birth except for those purportedly taken that day of him tightly swaddled in the arms of Sarah’s parents, in a hospital corridor.

    This despite the reality that no one has a baby anymore without taking photos of the post-partum mother holding the baby, and of other family members with the baby, in the mother’s hospital room! Palin supposedly had her entire family visit her and Trig there, yet no one took a snapshot or a photo with a phone.

    So we are to believe that she chose not to record or publicize any evidence of the happy event, despite her penchant for self-advertisement. No photo of Palin smiling with her DS newborn in her arms. And the hospital was not permitted (or wisely chose not to lend itself to the fraud) to list the birth on its web site as it did with all other births from that day.

    There really is a strange air of secrecy and huggermuggery about what happened that day in that little hospital.

    Palin had made a huge thing of going through with the pregnancy. An at-risk older mother pregnant with a Down syndrome child who was about to be born prematurely, she supposedly had just made an epic day-long journey leaking amniotic fluid, experiencing contractions, risking giving birth very dangerously and messily in flight. She was so determined that the child had to be born not just in Alaska, but in Wasilla, that she even passed up an Anchorage hospital equipped with a NICU. She supposedly gave birth in the care of a doctor who was far from a specialist and who had delivered only a few other babies in the last year.

    Yet Palin chose not to capitalize on this triumph with even one snapshot of her and the baby.

    I’d say the only post-partum mothers these days who aren’t photographed with their babies within a few hours of delivery are those who have kept the pregnancies a secret — and who hope to do so after delivery, too. Certainly not women who’ve trumpeted their heroism in continuing a pregnancy with a DS baby.

  • CW:

    Also, the pictures of Trig — he is a ringer for Levi Johnston.

  • mb:

    IIRC, she has admitted to considering an abortion, though perhaps not seriously. I, too, have wondered if the wild ride from Dallas to Wasilla was really an attempt at a passive/aggressive abortion. Sarah’s big plan: act negligently and hope god kills the baby.

    Of late though, especially after learning of all the emails and such she was sending while supposedly in labor, I’m leaning more toward no pregnancy. But anyway you cut it, she’s nuts.

  • Ottoline:

    . . . and what sane person does as much lying as Palin is DOCUMENTED to have done? What sane person does not realize that lies catch up to you? Unfortunately, our MSM does not care. Yet. Eventually there will be the MSM feeding frenzy, but why not have it be sooner rather than later, so as to put all of us out of our misery on this awful topic.

    Speaking of which, I wonder how McCain thinks this will end for him? Does he think it will stay forever buried? If he realizes that it WILL come out, why not be a hero instead of a victim and speak up now: “I can no longer remain silent.” Go McCain! Do the right thing for the country, say you made a mistake and now want to speak the truth, and maybe you can escape the worst of the guilt-by-association, the guilt of enabling, the guilt of the cover-up — when this all explodes. But for speaking up, sooner is better than later.

    Am I hopelessly naive to hope for such a thing?

  • Ginger:

    @Philip Munger

    That was “one” of the rumors put out by the Palin Team to justify her boarding an airplane after her water broke. I cannot believe you believed that! I’ve read your blog and… I find your comment very disappointing.

    Another one of the rumors that has totally confused the issue, and perpetrated by a prominent blogger, who readily admits there is no proof of it, is the fact that Bristol gave birth to a preemie in Jan. or Feb. of 2008 and was kept in an NICU until presented to Sarah. The Palin Machine has been doing this for years. Throw everything out there and hope something sticks. Look how it has worked for them.

    Can’t wait for Joe’s book!

  • WakeUpAmerica:

    Why would they induce a baby prematurely if there was no “danger?” That doesn’t make any sense.

  • WakeUpAmerica:

    Really? He carries her purse for God’s sake!! I don’t see Sarah doing anything she doesn’t want to do.

  • I don’t understand the first paragraph of your response to my comment. Please clarify, if you care to.

  • emrysa:

    joe, it’s both a and b. sane people do not fake pregnancies.

  • MariaT:

    Nor a $39.95 empathy belly!

  • carollt:

    I remember reading Rosanne’s excellent commentary. The media did not pay attention then and they still are not paying attention to the fact that Sarah Palin was not pregnant and is not the mother of Trig.

    Remember, this 40 something year old woman was up at 4 am Texas time (is that 1 am Alaska time?) on Friday. She stayed up all day and all night and gave “birth” around 6 am and was happily emailing staff at 8 am on Saturday, but not about the birth. She also claims to have signed bills and attended to State business on Saturday. She then went back to work on Monday, taking a “premature” infant, supposedly an infant who by her own admission had a hole in his heart, with her.

    I can tell you that when an infant is born with a hole in his or her heart, the hospital does not discharge said infant until corrective surgery has been performed. Ask any baby doctor out there.

    Pioneer woman my ass. Sarah has never lived in a house without running water and electricity. Sarah has never even lived a minute of life where she was not covered by health insurance. She’s a liar; she’s a con artist; she’s a grifter, and with Franklin Graham’s help, she is now a Charlatan.

    And speaking of health insurance, if the hospital billed the insurance company and the insurance company paid the bill, that is fraud, pure and simple.

    If there are any readers of this blog and the comments who has first hand information about this fraud, please know that there are whistle blower protections in the HIPPA law. Your medical records are not protected if fraud is involved and anyone disclosing such information is not liable for any violations of HIPPA. The Code of Federal Regulations is quite clear on this; I refer you to 45 CFR 164.502(j). Someone from the hospital, who suspects anything should come forward. Someone who works for the insurer who paid the bill, would be protected under these whistleblower protections. Speak to a lawyer first, of course. And if you live in the Valley, you may want to see an unbiased lawyer in Anchorage. If you need help with the legal bill, there are many people, including myself, who would happily donate.

  • carollt:

    BTW – I love Johnny Cash. His last song was a cover of the Nine Inch Nails song ‘Hurt’. It is a very rare thing for a cover to be better than the original. Besides Johnny’s cover of ‘Hurt’, I can only think of Jimi Hendrix when he did a cover of Bob’s ‘All along the Watchtower’ as being better than the original.

  • Sally:

    John McCain hasn’t done ‘the right thing for his country’ for a long time now. It is all about what plays well in the media, not about doing what’s right. The maverick became a coward, and the choice of Palin illustrates it better than anything.

  • Sally:

    And a woman who awoke in the middle of the night leaking fluid, stayed awake to give a noon speech, hopped on a plane, where she was reportedly Blakberrying, reads between flights in Seattle, back on another plane, then in a car for the ride to whatever hospital she ended up in, is induced, has the baby, has the whole family visit, THEN, when any normal woman who had been awake for thirty hours would want only six hours of sleep, SHE is back on he Blackberry within an hour of the birth. Right.

  • Diane:

    I don’t see any 3rd option either. It does reflect badly on both Todd and sarah palin that they chose to do what they did rather then have a “fish picker” born in Texas.

    I have always felt, that even a father in sarah palin’s place should not have accepted the VP slot.
    It seems even more hypocritical that the party of ‘family values’ should have accepted palin so readily.
    Could you image a Democrat in the same position? They would have been vilified by republicans.

  • Up:

    No matter whether it is A or B, neither indicates someone I’d want governing my country, my state, my town or my homeowner’s association.

  • grammy97:

    @carollt: Thank you for that wonderfully useful information about whistleblowers and HIPAA.

  • MicMac:

    There is no way MatSu would have really admitted a mother of Sarah’s age carrying a known at-risk baby after a thousand mile plane ride with the waters having broken almost 12 hours prior. Had she truly been preganant, they would have flown her immediately to Anchorage to deliver. Otherwise, they would have put Trig’s, and possibly Sarah’s, life at risk. Someone has to put MatSu’s feet to the fire on this, but no one appears to have asked this hard question of the hospital, or to inquire as to what their medical protocol is in a situation like this.

    Additionally, DS babies are notoriously smaller, much shorter, and develop much later in the first two/three years of life as compared to regular kids. I recently reviewed photos taken of Trig clearly standing up and walking around unaided during the Palin’s early December 2009 Hawaii trip. According to the charts, the average age for “regular kids” for walking is around 18 months. For DS children, 24 to 26 months. My guess is that Trig really was about two years old in those pictures, not 18 months – which would have put his birth around Feb/March – not the projected due date of May. His development (Nov/Dec 2009) is not consistent with a DS child born one month early in April 2008.

    DS babies/toddlers are also on the average 2 to 3 inches shorter (according to the charts). The baby presented in the grandparent’s arms is huge by this standard, for a month-early preemie DS baby one day old.

  • sharon:

    the wild ride never happened. She threw in the details to further weave the story and create the illusion of truth. Liars think the rest of the world is that stupid. During her press conference after the “birth” she turned to Todd and asked, “how many babies has Dr. Baldwin-Johnson delivered?”….and Todd answered, “Lots”. Truth is ….that’s a lie. This doctor has only delivered a handful. And never a special needs child. This doctor is involved with victims of sexual abuse and my theory is that is how she was able to convince this doctor to get onboard with her scam. I believe she presented bristol as a victim of sexual abuse, convinced her she was a victim and used the doctor’s good intentions to support her fraud. Additionally, palin appointed this doctor to some type of medical board of something in Alaska – I dont’ recall the name of it but it’s a matter of public record. As far as the insurance payments – I asked this question a long time ago. We already know from emails that the HR dept was asking for Trig’s birth certificate several weeks after the so-called “birth”. Todd responded to those emails but the content of his response was not released. I don’t think palin was that stupid to commit insurance fraud.

  • sharon:

    The fact that palin dismissed her security prior to the flight and instead took Todd is very telling. Her email to staff bears that out. There’s a reason for that birthdate – why they chose that particular day and week. I still believe that Trig was born at least a month earlier and bristol is his mother. I also believe bristol became pregant immediately after his birth with Tripp. I cannot explain the different babies that were presented in the following weeks and months – but it’s possible he may have been admitted to a hospital for ds complications here and there. Just a theory. I also believe it’s very possible bristol became pregnant a 3rd time – again, just a theory – based on the pics of her when she was on DWTS. This family is insane. I’ve always said that Trig looked very much like Levi from early on. Even more so then Tripp. It’s possible Tripp was from a different father and it may explain the lack of interest Levi has shown towards that child. Or maybe not. Just theory. That whole court thing for child support, etc.. if Levi was part of the trig hoax – it was prearranged that although it was about Tripp publicly it was really to settle up about Trig. Ok, this may sound crazy but what isn’t crazy about that family??

  • Nefer:

    “SOOOO WEIRD. I’m just glad the little fella is happy and loved.”

    Nice try. Says who? Dragged around on that ghastly book tour without proper clothing, glasses, hearing aids, therapy, stable environment, exposed to germy strangers constantly, etc. Completely unstable life with parents and siblings coming and going, not included on a so-called “family vacation” (you know, the one with a name and the shrink wrapped bus paid for by SarahPAC), and on and on. The Palins are a dreadful family and little Trig is one of their many victims.

  • Samantha:

    None of it makes any sense, so to single out that one theory is wrong. I was about to point out the same thing justsayin said, which is a 3rd possibility, if one assumes she was pregnant, that her water didn’t break at all and she used it as an excuse to induce labor. Why would she want to induce labor? I don’t know, maybe to get the baby out and change her image quickly from dowdy pregnant mother to sexy new-mom with baby, and start using it as a prop a month sooner. Is that irresponsible? Yeah, but so is the wild ride, and so is faking it, and so is hiding a pregnancy from your children, then hiding the downs syndrome from your children.

    And here’s something else to consider: Assuming she was NOT pregnant, and was waiting for a baby to adopt, it makes sense that she didn’t tell her children she had a downs syndrome fetus because at some early point, she may not have even known herself. It’s hard to adopt a white child in the United States, and so I assume if you get one, there’s a good chance it’s disabled because then it will be more unwanted and available.

  • Samantha:

    That was actually my first thought a long, long time ago. It made sense to me, that a work-driven, political woman would not want another baby in her 40’s. I figured she wanted an abortion but didn’t have the guts to go through with it so she hoped (like on other occasions) she would miscarry. But if one assumes she faked a pregnancy at some point, she might have actually had the abortion, regretted it later and started faking it. Honestly, I don’t know what happened, and until someone starts digging and finding documents and people to testify, we’ll never know. There is no proof. But there’s certainly enough circumstantial evidence to warrant an investigation.

  • lillibird:

    Sarah’s “wild ride” story is the same as Bristol’s “wild tent” story..BS!

  • mary b:

    Also too~ any Preemie is going to take a few years to catch up with growth, height and weight. Some times, it takes even longer than a few tears.
    That baby in (some of the ) pictures is NOT a Preemie. There is no way a Preemie would be sent home the first or second day after being born. One of my kids was born right at 6lbs and they kept her for a week. And we didn’t have any Insurance!! They just don’t let small babies leave until they are sure that everything (most usually, their lungs) are fine. Tri-G also too had a hole in his heart. They would have sent him to a Hospital with an INICU. Especially being the Govs. baby, they would have taken extra precautions.
    Her entire story reeks. It is an absolutely delusional lie. Even IF she had a baby, all the claims about the Wild Ride are a lie. The baby7 being a Preemie is a lie.
    $arah did not give birth to Tri-G. There are more than one, or maybe even up to three babies used in her narrative.
    I am a Mother of five and had my last one at the age of 40. The more babies you have, the worse the cramping of your uterus. I could not even stand up straight (with pain pills) for at least three days after giving birth. There is no way that baby slipped out and she went back to work so quickly.
    $arah is just a pathological liar. That’s all there is to it. She wanted to look like the tough pioneer woman, the same kind that in the 17 and 1800’s would give birth where they were and most of the time, Mother and Baby would die. Jeeze, she could have at least researched it before she came up with such a bullshit story!

  • Samantha:

    Do you think it’s possible she got pregnant, had a very, very premature birth in February, and the baby stayed in the hospital until Sarah decided to accept it? Shailey said she massaged Sarah in March and her lower abdomen was tender and sore. That would have been after the birth. (Assuming she was preggers to begin with). She might have even planned on adopting the baby out, then when it became clear McCain was picking her, she announced she was pregnant and started this ruse so that she could get the baby back without scandal.

  • lillibird:

    i think Trig was born really premature, maybe he would not survive and was transported out of state for privacy reasons for a couple of months. But he was surviving and the fake pregnancy began. They found out before the Dallas trip that Trig was to be released from NICU in Washington state (Aunt Katie). Sarah canceled her security and went ahead with the speech, returned to Alaska and met up with whoever (Aunt Katie. maybe) went to the hospital and did the presentation photos. Trig could have been on the same flight with a caretaker delivering the puppy.

  • barracuda78:

    To get an idea as to the size of the baby, a photo of Mercedes holding the tiny baby(I believe this was at the Palin House) I believe was in a little pink outfit, Mercedes hand was along side the baby and her hand was about as long as the baby,

    then the photo with SP’s mom holding Trig at the hospital corridor shows her hand barely covering the bottom half of the SP’s mom could barely hold up Trig ..I also like the look on her mom’s face in that photo…to me her face says” are you f’en kidding me, this didn’t come outta Sara…something wrong here….

  • Lilybart:

    Oh yes. google images for both and the older Trig photos will be very interesting.

  • carollt:

    I just looked up the Mat Su Valley Regional Hosptital on Wikipedia and viewed all the edits ever made on that page. It seems that on August 31, 2008, an editor and I quote “removed untrue statement that this is the second largest hospital in the State”.

    You are so busted Sarah. Due to your recent inability to admit your lack of knowledge about Paul Revere and your attempt to change Wikipedia to suit your version of history, your penchant for changing Wikipedia is now well known.

    I am off to Wikipedia for a couple of hours to see what else in your history you have tried to change. All the while, I have the best BBQ ribs on the BBQ (after all, it is Father’s day and the Dad at our house loves ribs).

  • B:

    Phil, if so, can you explain the March 14 flat belly that produced a 6+ pound baby a month later? If she was trying to kill a fetus, it had to have died before she even announced she was 7 mos. along. The timeline of photos makes no sense. This is a serious question no Trignostic or Wild Rider has tried to answer.

  • Blue Galangal:

    I agree – my niece was premature and at 9 months old she is WAY smaller than 5 mo old Trig appeared at the RNC. It’s ridiculous. Anyone who knows babies and pregnancies knows that Trig is older than he was represented to be in those hospital photos and at the RNC (and anyone who’s been through L&D knows that you don’t get on a plane after your amniotic fluid starts leaking without going to a hospital first). If he is her baby, she was trying to lose him. Think of the victim narrative that would have created.

  • Lidia17:

    gypsyrose, yes, you caught out the weasel-words “celebrated on”.

    I’ve seen a Palin supporter write this same thing elsewhere: “Tripp was born on December 2[x], and Trig’s birthday IS CELEBRATED ON April 18th”.

    Who talks like that, and why?

  • JJ in DC:

    Option 3 – Palin made up the wild ride – she has a penchant for exaggeration.

    She’s made up so many stories – why do we take the wild ride at face value? It’s so much more believable to me that she made it up… Perhaps she went into labor on the plane between Seattle and Anchorage – or her water broke in the car on the way home to Wasilla…. And then her huge ego takes over and makes the story way bigger – labor the full day before – the speech etc. I’ve always thought the wild ride was BS.

    I agree the “flat belly” pictures and emailing within hours of birth are suspicious – but not evidence…. I also feel that she never really wanted this 5th child – and essentially neglected his prenatal (and post natal) care. Until he was useful to her – thus carrying him around on the campaign trail and the book tour. Should she run for President in 2012, I’m sure he’ll show up again – holding hands with poor Piper…

    Speaking of pre-natal care… I wonder if all of the Trig Birther theorists have carefully examined her official schedule to see if they can tease out when she could have had (or didn’t have) prenatal appointments? I recall that I went in about monthly with my two and then of course the gestational diabetes tests (which took some time) and the CVS test – a full day off for that one (as one would have for an amnio). I don’t mean to feed the conspiracy, but in all the examination of photos and minute by minute discussions of the wild ride and post-birth scenarios, I’ve never seen any discussion of the months prior to the birth – which should have involved at least 6-7 prenatal appointments – probably more since she was a high-risk pregnancy.

  • MicMac:

    No. All pictures (and one video) of Palin prior to March were absolutely flat tummied. I think most of us believe that Trig was born sometime Jan-March, or on or around April 17, but not to Sarah. And it wouldn’t have been at MatSu as the hospital did not have the facility or the staff to handle an at risk birth. If such a child actually had been born at MatSu, on an emergency basis, it would have been flown immediately to Anchorage. There is no way around this fact, but the reporters seem to overlook what is lying right under their nose.

  • MicMac:

    She wouldn’t have committed insurance fraud. If Trig was adopted, a perfectly legal birth certificate would be issued, with correct date, birth weight, etc. but the parents names would read Sarah and Todd Palin. I find nothing of note regarding this request; just a parent that hadn’t bothered to forward the BC to the benefits administrator yet.

    The real problem with the birth certificate is not that it would not have Sarah and Todd as parents; the problem is that the date and the place of birth would not be April 18 nor would it be MatSu, Wasilla. That’s what Palin is hiding by not producing it.

  • MicMac:

    Yes, there has been extensive research done in this area, and nothing has been found regarding prenatal visits.

  • Alaskan:

    It’s just sad…to have used this poor little guy for her misguided political/ego ambition. No mother in her right mind, if she truly loved her unborn child, would have ever put her baby at risk. She got caught up in her wild story telling, trying to make herself bigger then life in so many foolish eyes. Hopefully he was just on loan and his true biological family has him right now and they are taking care of him?. I had one high risk early pregnancy and there was no way my husband would have fully engaged in hopping two planes and bypassing neonatal units. I did whatever it took to ensure my child’s arrival into this world as safe as possible. I was scared to death when I went into premature labor and their was no stopping it. We all know this story is B.S. she was not pregnant, and to have McCain and the MSM NOT do their jobs and help pull the biggest hoax ever on the American people is repulsive.

  • msf:

    Yes, Hurt was an incredible song & a curious choice for Johnny Cash. John Cash (their son) wrote a book about June Carter Cash some years back. It’s a good read.

  • Morsel:

    Surely there is a third option (assuming she was indeed pregnant and beginning to have contractions): she didn’t care about the welfare of the newborn child. I think what she’s lying about is that she was “so in love with this baby.” Perhaps – ugh, I hate to write it – she was hoping Trig wouldn’t survive…?

  • FEDUP!!!:

    You just reminded me of something: 1 1/2 hours after allegedly ‘giving birth’, -at 8:23 I believe – she emailed her subordinates about some government business – BUT DID NOT MENTION THAT SHE JUST HAD GIVEN BIRTH AND WAS STILL IN THE RECOVERY STAGE!

  • FEDUP!!!:

    LOL! You are right with those ‘tags’! Wow! 74 VERY unflattering tags for $P! LOVE IT!

  • FEDUP!!!:

    I don’t remember where I read this, but some blogger (I believe it was Palins peytons place or something like that) showed that it is physically IMPOSSIBLE for a human body to expand like she has – her uterus would have exploded (well, ruptured!) if the pictures were actually showing a real pregnancy like she did.

  • Mattie:

    She can see the wild ride does not pass the smell test.

  • tom:

    i could not agree more with you about Johnny Cash.

    i have always liked him even though i rather be tied down in the desert covered with honey then listen to “country” music.

    sad to read the comments here and realize so many dont really have a clue about what palin really is all about, especially regarding her children.

    for palin her kids are just tools to be used in the creation of her reality.
    she doesnt give a rats ass about them and i would give odds that she never has touched trig unless a camera was around.

    many people do not wish to believe this thinking as bad as she is she cant bethat way with her kids.
    but the truth is as you have stated repeatedly here is palin does not care at all about the welfare of her children.
    unless you all accept that you wont understand her or the motives behind the people who enable her.

  • FEDUP!!!:

    Remember, $arah herself does not seem to remember where trig was born -she always had said it was MatSu, until one day, in one of her speeches, she said it was in Anchorage.
    What REAL mother would forget where she gave birth to her special needs baby???

  • Morsel:

    Ditto MB. I have been positing “reckless disregard while hoping for the worst” … but am now starting to ponder the “no pregnancy” thing, while unable to believe her insane enough to do this.

  • carollt:

    If you look up the edits in Wikipedia for Wasilla, Alaska, you will see that someone tried to say the the Mat Su Valley Regional Hospital was the second largest in the State and it was also removed because it is not true. The date was August 31, 2008.

    Anyway, I have spent a couple of hours looking at the edits and the dates of all things Sarah. At one time, someone listed Wasilla, Alaska as the fourth largest city in Alaska; it is now listed as the sixth. And looking up Sarah Palin is also quite interesting. I looked at the history of the edits and it looks like our girl Sarah has sure been busy. Who put the political speculation on Sarah’s wiki page when Fred Barnes from FOX mentioned her as a possible VP nominee in the Spring of 2008. And who deleted the information when some pundit (like Fred) said she probably won’t be considered because it was recently revealed that she was pregnant.

    And in the Spring of 2008, I had to laugh out loud when one the wiki editors said that the addition needs a major clean up because it just makes no sense. That is Sarah for you. Forget about common sense, Sarah makes absolutely no sense of any kind.

    Anyway, if you follow the history of the edits, you can see every wiki page as it appeared back in the day. Russia is not the only thing Sarah can see from Alaska; evidently she can also see the ghost of Joseph Stalin as she attempts to change her own history. So, history and facts be damned; full speed ahead on the Sarah Palin crazy train (or should I say bus) to 2012.

  • Ivyfree:

    Why would they induce a premature baby if there was no danger?

    Well, first, they didn’t induce because Sarah wasn’t pregnant. HOWEVER- it seems clear to me that timing would have been established for handing over somebody else’s baby, and they were paying close attention to timing. Saran had the situation planned, or somebody planned it for her: she asked that Todd travel with her and not her security people. So she had no outsiders with her. She couldn’t have gone to any outside hospital and faked labor: they would have examined her. She was limited to Alaska, and specifically limited to the small community hospital where she was once on the board of directors, and where people who are friends to her were on the board of directors.

    At some point, faking a pregnancy means faking a birth. If she’d faked “going into labor” in the normal way, people would have expected her to go to the hospital, it would have been on the news, and the hospital staff would have been looking for the First Family and talking about it, and so would visitors, and the place would have been flooded with reporters waiting out the birth. Sarah had to “start labor” in some way that explained her not going to the hospital with her premature DS baby labor.

    She might have faked a precipitous delivery- one with a massively truncated labor, this contractions and the baby’s out- but if she had, people would have expected Todd to call 911, and the baby would have been expected to go to the hospital and be checked. Again- no way to keep it quiet.

    If she’d entered the hospital during the day or evening, people would have been around. When is the quietest time in a hospital? Night shift. Fewer visitors, fewer staff, fewer doctors around. And lo and behold, Sarah pops up in the hospital around 10:30 at night, when night shift starts, right at the change of shift when the staff are getting reports and there are fewer persons around to see anything..

    Then there was the question of when to “give birth.” A normal birth happens on its own schedule. Sarah couldn’t hang around and not “give birth” because the more people who saw her- or didn’t see her- the more risk of exposure. She had to give birth promptly. How do you arrange for that to sound reasonable? Why, by being induced. But you can’t just induce a premature labor. There has to be a reason. What’s a reasonable reason? Uh… how about amniotic fluid leakage and failure to progress in labor? Failure to progress in premature labor wouldn’t do it, because they’d just try to shut down the labor. Amniotic fluid leakage presents a specific risk, that of infection. After a certain period of time, amniotic fluid leakage will mean induction.

    So Sarah had to arrive at the hospital at a time when fewer people were around, and deliver pretty promptly, within a single shift, so fewer people would see anything. If she was in Alaska, and had really gone into labor, she would have been expected to report to the hospital pretty promptly, and if they knew about the situation, her staff would have trailed into the hospital to wait, because many of them are her fans.

    How do you arrange to arrive at the hospital at a time when fewer people were around, at a stage in labor where starting an induction is reasonable, having an induction for a “premature” baby is reasonable, and you give birth before the shift changes, and you don’t have anyone around but a few members of the immediate family?

    You start out by deciding that nobody will be with you but your partner in crime. You have a phone call conversation with your doctor to make sure that the plan is still set. Then you have some leakage of amniotic fluid and a few “different” contractions. But you can’t go to the hospital, so you say your speech is really important. And you hang around saying nothing, later claiming that you have contractions, and give your speech. You still can’t “go to the hospital” because you’re not pregnant, so you head for home, bypassing any hospital where help could be obtained, in your mad rush (planned, scheduled) trip to the airport.

    Later, you play up the fact of your heroic ignoring of labor in order to give your speech. You joke about the governor of that state saying, dang, girl, you’re not giving birth now! You even turn down an offer of a private jet to return home, because that would have kept whatever flight attendant was available watching you closely, and that attendant isn’t your employee and there would be no fix on him. Instead, you take a commercial flight, which is less comfortable, and even Alaska Airlines employees notice that you show no signs of actual labor or even pregnancy.

    And you arrive at your local hospital at a time of night when fewer people are around, you are far enough along in your phony labor and leakage to make a later announcement of induction reasonable, and the story of the induction makes the time of delivery- again, at the shift change- reasonable. It’s even reasonable that you, prima donna that you are, don’t tell your staff what’s going on- after all, you’re traveling- and it’s premature, so wait until you have some actual news to tell anyone anything- and that way you don’t wind up with a crowd in the waiting room, having a spontaneous party while they await the birth.

    The more I look at it, the more I believe that every step was planned. I used to think that the amniotic fluid leakage was fabrication on Chuckie’s part. Then I realized that it was an essential part of the story: the leakage makes the induction reasonable, and the induction controls the timing of the “birth.” It was ALL planned. And they stayed on message. Brave Pioneer/hockey/pit bull Mama sucks it up and ignores labor all those hours because you can’t have a fish picker born in Texas!

    It had to happen the way she told the story, because it’s the only scenario that minimizes the amount of exposure possible during the time of the “birth.” The problem is, it’s really stupid and presents her in a really bad light. Either Palin is selfish enough to risk the baby’s safety, or she wasn’t pregnant.

    But it does account for those hours in a superficially plausible way.

  • Ivyfree:

    I don’t think she’s insane within the meaning of the law. She’s certainly grounded enough to attempt to conceal her behavior.

    Sociopathic, yes. But that’s not the same thing.

  • FrostyAK:

    It is obvious to me ( and I think to Joe) that $P is insane, AND that she was never pregnant with TriG. Normal people don’t do the things she does. I also understand why Joe must continue to ask questions rather then present answers.

    I have heard her called Alaska’s Shame. It is an appropriate term.

  • KarenJ:

    Nicely summarized, Ivyfree, for both oldtimers to Palin investigating, and to newcomers who never realized the backstory of Trig’s not-birth-but-presentation day.

  • KarenJ:

    That might be an explanation, except that Sarah Palin isn’t a submissive wife, and Todd Palin shows Trig far more affection than the fake-smiling and finger-poking Sarah Palin.

    John McCain had to TELL Sarah Palin to hold Trig for that PEOPLE magazine cover picture, or she’s have left the baby in Bristol’s arm.

    For already giving birth to 4 children, that’s not the behavior of a mother. She couldn’t even fake it for McCain.

  • DKey:

    LOVE Roseanne Cash and her brave father. And YOU, Joe! Can’t wait for your book. Tick, tick, tick. When Sarah Palin’s egregious lies are exposed, you and Andrew Sullivan will become more relevant than Woodward and Bernstein because the Sarah Palin fake pregnancy is waaaay bigger than Watergate. This insane (Truly. What sane person fakes a pregnancy for ANY reason?) woman was elevated to a position that could have, literally, put our lives in her hands. So, yes, this is a huge story and bless you (and Sullivan, Brad Scharlott, etc.) for having the courage to stay with it.

    Sarah thinks she’s SO religious, but a really wise woman (H. P. Blavatsky) once said: “There is no religion higher than Truth.” And my favorite Hamlet quote totally applies to Sarah: “Foul deeds will rise. Though all the earth o’erwhelm them to men’s eyes.”

  • jk:

    I don’t buy it. If she was pregnant, she risked her own life by not going to the hospital to get checked out and getting on those planes. The Sarah Palin we know would never risk her own life.

  • brbr2424:

    I lean toward her not having been pregnant. On the off chance that she was pregnant then it does seem she was trying to kill the fetus. The wild ride would have just been the last attempt. Whatever she was doing to generate those Guinness Book of World records abs of steels (excessive exercising?) would have caused the demise of many a fetus. I suspect she also has an eating disorder and is addicted to meth or diet pills. Her scrawny body is not typical of a post forty woman who has given birth to five kids. It is also not in keeping with the pudgy Sarah from her high school and college(s) years and also her pudgy daughters. Living on a diet of highly caffeinated red bull also could have done the trick.

  • Psalm023:

    Whoops, I forgot to mention I was making it from the perspective of people who don’t really know her. If people are just waking up to the possibility her wild ride is crazy, they’d be finding excuses as to why she did such a thing.

  • brbr2424:

    The last photo I saw of Trig he looked an awful lot like Levi. Maybe that is the reason he is no longer seen in public. The Trip baby has the unfortunate chin passed down from creepy Chuck, to Bristol and now to Trip. He may feel the need for “corrective jaw surgery” when he gets older.

  • paulabflat:

    nah. she wasn’t trying to kill something that didn’t exist.

    that woman was never pregnant with that child. i had my one and only child at 24, with some difficulty, and it took me a couple of weeks before i could funtion without assistance. i was in excellent shape, too.

    besides, at that stage it’s not a fetus, it’s a baby. even i don’t think she’d kill her own child.

    not yet. though. i’m closer than i ever thought i’d be.

  • lftismygame:


  • msf:

    No, I’m not buying that theory. It would also put her own life in danger & she’s way to narcissistic for that. Also the photos speak for themselves.

  • Bristol's Old Chin:

    I think one problem for McCain is that if he comes forward to admit a pregnancy hoax (and/or any other knowledge of the various -gates Palin was involved in), he then has to explain why he chose her as his running mate. According to Dunn’s book, however, he didn’t choose her as much as he was strong-armed by “evangelical Christian” leaders into accepting her. Admitting this would make McCain look weak and indecisive, and also would undoubtedly piss off Franklin Graham, James Dobson, and their ilk. The religious right has been playing the “victim of unfair liberal media bias” card at least since the 1980s (this is my personal recollection from growing up within a few miles of Focus on the Family and New Life Church–and I think this is where Sarah Palin got the “media victim” trope in the first place), and they would have Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al shrieking it from the rooftops. It would make McCain look bad and, bizarrely enough, might not have a similar effect on Palin.

    Most Christians I know are only casually interested in politics and think Palin is a joke that’s gone on too long. But there also are plenty of people who aren’t terribly knowledgeable about politics but do vote, buy into the fear and victimization that the religious right peddles, and would hop on the defend-Palin bandwagon if the evil liberal McCain said anything against her.

  • Pam:

    Wtf palin mockumentary frm the ap “We don’t have anything to do with her politics,” Bannon said. “It was very important for this film not to be dismissed as propaganda for Palin.”

  • Puzzle Pieces:

    This was too easy…

    Joe, any chance you could have your publisher move up the release date?

  • lftismygame:

    Look what he’s doing now- blaming the AZ fires on illegal immigrants signaling each other and “keeping warm”. Ya’ll know how cold it is in AZ this time of year.

  • lilybart:

    I think you are on to something. Google images for Levi and Trig. (And then for more fun, go to palingates and scroll down, right side to Menard photo comparison.)

  • Samantha:

    Interesting theory/motive that makes a lot of this stuff fit. The only thing is, why say your water broke in Texas? Why not go home, then after the flight develop problems? That way you avoid the wild ride. Although, maybe that part wasn’t going to be revealed, didn’t the reporters say Palin was taken by surprise at the question?

  • Ottoline:

    Putting her own life in danger , esp in a public place where she would endure a humiliating, messy, painful, uncontrollable event that would be in all the papers the next day — no, it doesn’t seem likely to me she would do her “fundie abortion” this way. Remember, in the wild-ride scenario, she would also have a possibly nonmedical person staring at her naked crotch part of the time to be alert to crowning of the baby’s head. And maybe other passengers sneaking a photo.

    There are many other ways to do a “fundie abortion.” More private ways.

  • lilybart:

    No doctor would induce a preemie unless there was a need. So, IF pg, she WAS leaking fluid and the fetus was in danger. Liar or reckless endangerment, take your pick.

  • B:

    Why isn’t the March 14 totally flat belly picture evidence? It’s from the ADN, could be authenticated and used in court. Some of the photos are just “suspicious,” but not that one.

  • B:

    Yes, the excellent Written by a nurse.

  • B:

    I believe that was to justify “taking an earlier flight,” which she says she did, although there’s no evidence any plans were changed.

  • B:

    I should have said no evidence flight reservations were changed. I assume her office had a schedule somewhere showing her returning after the conference ended.

  • B:

    My explanation, Phil, is Ginger isn’t making sense here. How does s/he know Patrick’s theory isn’t correct or know which theories are Palinbot plants? Usually s/he comments about state insurance asking for Trig’s birth certificate.

  • CW:

    Someone here said that Trig was born with a hole in his heart and needed corrective surgery? I don’t think that’s a fact, is it?

  • dowl:

    Well stated. Thanks!

  • Angiemomma:

    A Fundie abortion, to be sure.

  • B:

    Yes. The surgery was many months later.

  • Lidia17:

    Will there really BE a media feeding frenzy? Or will they just continue to studiously ignore the issue as they have since Day 1? Dunn’s book was full of damaging facts and it fell into a mediatical black hole.

    The MSM has more to answer for than McCain, imo; they were supposed to be keeping an eye on the players. Expecting anyone influential to break this story is like expecting your doctor to give you the rundown of a colleague’s surgical malpractice. I’m previewing continued omertà.

  • Lidia17:

    She wouldn’t be guilty of insurance fraud if Trig were just borrowed, either. Since—not just his disappearance, but—that episode of Sarah tweeting an old picture of him… I think he’s no longer a day-to-day member of that family nucleus, if he ever was.

  • Lidia17:

    B, IIRC, the weasel-wording was always that he had a hole in his heart that “might” need to be corrected surgically. I haven’t heard of any operation other than the one above, which was supposed to be routine.

    Maybe someone who is in the medical field can shed light here?

  • An Outhouse:

    I just finished Roseanne Cash’s memoir and she’s coming to town soon. The memoir makes me want to see her even more.

  • Liz:

    I have a cousin who was born on Christmas Day. Like most kids who were born on Christmas Day he didn’t really have a birthday party like his brothers and sisters. My aunt and uncle came up with the solution of celebrating his birthday in June. Whenever anyone asked about his birthday the answer was always something like, “He was born on Christmas Day, but we celebrate his birthday in June so that he has a special day with cake , ice cream and presents.” Of course, my aunt and uncle weren’t trying to deceive anyone. Now that he is in his 50’s he still wants the cake and ice cream in June, this Saturday , in fact.

  • Liz:

    Why didn’t Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson advise Palin to get to the nearest hospital, 10 minutes away in Grapevine, Texas, to be checked for fetal distress ? Palin may claim that she knew her body, knew labor, blah, blah, but what about Trig ? How could she or anyone other than medical personnel know if Trig was in some kind of desperate distress ? Would that be the ” pro-life” thing to do ?

  • Liz:

    Yes, lots of secrecy and yet Levi was called and told to be there, supposedly to witness his girlfriend’s mother give birth at 6:30 am. Nothing makes sense with this family.

  • B:

    My vague recollection is that Sarah at some point mentioned that the hole in Trig’s heart had been surgically corrected. I’m told holes in hearts are not uncommon and usually finish closing on their own during the first year.

  • Beverley:

    Happy and loved? Trig? Are you kidding? Downs Syndrome babies are known for being quite unruly in their formative years. I’m sure he’s way too much trouble for Sarah. She rarely takes him anywhere now that he’s past the “cute” stage. I’m surprised she hasn’t put him in some kind of institution because she surely doesn’t have enough time to truly care for him. I’m sure she has a lot of hired help and spends little – if any – time with him. He served his purpose. He made her the pro-life “queen” for a while.” He’s no longer needed.