Posts Tagged ‘common decency’

Sarah Palin Can’t Possibly Go to Sudan Next Month

This devastated nation is in turmoil and anguish for reasons far too complex for Sarah to understand–or be interested in.

And it’s getting worse day by day, as NY Times reports here.

Admittedly, I don’t give Sarah credit for much empathy or integrity, and not even for having common sense.

But surely, even she will recognize that a money-making, self-aggrandizing, evangelically-sponsored jaunt in July to the most acutely suffering country on earth would be an unforgivable affront to human decency.

I predict, therefore, that even though she has publicly stated she plans to visit Sudan in July, she’ll cancel the trip.

Surely, she can find another way to enrich herself next month.  Even she wouldn’t seek to profit from the blood being shed by the helpless, defenseless and innocent victims of this most horrid of civil wars.

In fact, Sarah, here’s a personal request:  announce that you’re canceling your trip, and don’t give some phony excuse.  Just say, “There’s nothing I can do to help these poor people, and any attention paid to me being in their midst would only distract attention from their misery.”