Why Is This Not A Surprise?

The poorer and less educated you are, the more likely you are to like Sarah.

14 Responses to “Why Is This Not A Surprise?”

  • Freesia:

    I know. Color me shocked.

    At this point, with endless examples of her inability to string sentences together, tell the truth about…well anything, the blatant hypocrisy of where she claims to stand on everything from special needs children to religion to family, the glaring holes in her resume or her pretenses to knowledge that she doesn’t have (I’ve seen 10 years old speak with more grasp of an issue than Sarah “I’ll just throw in a bunch of catch phrases and key words and insult the president” Palin) or doing a double flip to try to turn ignorance into a patriotic virtue…..well the only people who would still have confidence or admiration for her are people who are (if it’s possible) even denser than she is.

    She’s a lazy dummy. And proud of it. And she makes them proud of being the same. That’s her attraction for them. She’s just smart enough to know that.

  • aview999:

    THIS IS WHY also too

    * Data shows a significan­­t increase in narcissism among Americans in the last 15 years.
    * Narcissism is characteri­­zed by an unfounded and undeserved sense of entitlemen­­t.
    * A generation of narcissist­­s could lead to problems in the workplace, as well as risky business and political decisions.


    I love you Joe. Read you everyday – but since March 11th, Japan has been my NEW FOCUS. I thank you and EVERY SINGLE Blogger out there for bringing “Light and the Truth” out about Palin – but alas, ALL OF IT pales in comparison of JAPAN AND THE MELTDOWN happening. Did you hear? There was a fire at the plant last night.
    MSM is FAILING to report it. (remind you of anything about a certain person?)

    Kudos to you! (esp all my long time friends, whom I miss dearly. Love you all!)

  • Molly:

    I wonder have the crowd over at C4P seen that yet? 🙂

  • krbmjb05:

    Joe, perhaps you should do a Dr. Seuss-esque book of “The Rogue” so her flying monkeys can follow along. End with an image of her dressed like a witch with a bucket of water dumped on her while melting away. Maybe they will finally “GET” it!

  • Sarah HalfTime:

    Well alrighty then.

    Needless to say, where I come from we are land rich and money poor.
    I will note, those who are seeped and educated in the indigenous traditions and/or those that are educated in America’s higher education institutions, seem to dismiss It That Quit.

    Those that like her, usually run into the same post with thier ATV, over and over and over and over…

    Most wonderfully, where I come from, we all respect each others opinion of Alaska’s Shame and agree she is the Worst Govenor Ever.

  • Olivia:

    These are the same idiots who know they will win the lotto some day and want to make sure taxes for rich people stay low so they won’t have to pay so much when they become millionaires.

  • emrysa:

    lol. a conscious person would be embarrassed to know that their entire support base is made up of the dumbest people in the country. but I’m sure it doesn’t embarrass the quitter a bit – after all, she is one of them.

  • FrostyAK:

    Also off topic, but have you heard that all government radiation monitors have been shut down? Why, we might ask? They say it’s because ‘there is nothing to see here”. That’s AFTER radiation has been found in milk and water from the west coast to the east.

  • cranberry:

    A couple of years ago I spent a summer in a small town in the center of America. The people were hard-working and decent but very defensive about their rural (non-elite) lifestyle. I sensed that they felt that the coastal elites (or the people they saw on TV) of the country were always making fun of them, calling them “critters”, “hicks”. Not a few of them loved Sarah Palin because they felt that she understood their way of life and brought some dignity to it.

  • FrostyAK:

    The under educated and uneducated are the easiest to hoodwink. PT Barnum knew this.

    Since they were 4 or 5 years old, they have taken the easy way out and put no energy into educating their minds. They are still lazy, and believe every bumper sticker soundbite and outright lie as long as it is repeated enough times.

    Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of idiot. The educational system has failed with all the idiots we have in this lazy country.

  • aview999:

    Yeah Frosty I heard about that. I dont know what is going on with everything … but it defies belief.
    Palin is an absolute joke – Japan is not. enuf said. TY

  • marieke02:

    We love you and miss you too, aview!!! Please do come back — people ask about you all the time and it’s just not the same without you!

  • aview999:

    I love and miss you guys too Marie – and I might trip over there soon. Can’t get my focus off Japan and that horrific disaster. Thanks for the Hello!

  • carollt:

    I am shocked I tell you, simply shocked. I would agree that the low information voter goes for Palin. Indeed, Palin herself is a low information voter. According the book ‘Game Change’, Mrs. Palin thought Africa was a country. Mrs. Palin did not know that North and South Korea were different countries. Mrs. Palin thought that Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks on 9/11. Mrs. Palin had no clue as to the cause of WWI and WWII.

    I saw Mrs. Palin once on the Glenn Beck program and her eyes got wild when she was asked who her favorite founding father was. “All of them” she replied (sound familiar?). Then she managed to say George Washington, who of course is not considered a founding father (a great man, yes; a founding father, no).

    No other way to say it; $arah is a dumb ass, albeit a rich dumb ass.