“Isn’t She Pretty, Isn’t She Nice?”

There’s really nothing to say about this Washington Post story about Sarah’s Saturday in DC, except:

a) it makes me want to throw up


b) Sarah’s comeback from Tucson is on track, exactly as she wants it to be, with mainstream media rolling over and begging her to scratch their jelly bellies once again.

Visitors to this blog, and even people who will buy The Rogue in September, constitute only a tiny minority of the American voting public. A much larger minority–encouraged by mainstream media such as Vanity Fair and the Washington Post–still find Sarah fascinating, even dazzling.

We might wish she was yesterday’s breakfast, but as long as mainstream editors, publishers and reporters beg for the chance to pose for a photo with her, she remains likely to be a main course at the 2012 election banquet. She might even wind up looking for a White House chef.

There is no morality in mainstream media. There is only venal self-interest. There are (with a certain few exceptions) only weary whores who would trade what’s left of their souls for the chance to pose for a snapshot with a celebrity.

This is your Washington “press corps,” ladies and gentlemen. Better described as the Washington “press corpse.”

Its theme song is “Celebrity Über Alles.”

26 Responses to ““Isn’t She Pretty, Isn’t She Nice?””

  • meena:


    The Washington Post Article states:
    “There wasn’t a single Palin joke from President Obama or Seth Meyers during the dinner.”

    Who is the “The Reliable Source” for WP?? Is an idiot.

    Seth Meyers: took a dig at the Quitter twice:
    On Sarah Palin: “Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will streamline their search for vice president.”

    On the Republican presidential candidates: “Just look at the options Republicans are kicking around: Palin. Huckabee. Gingrich. Trump. That doesn’t sound like a field of candidates — that sounds like season 13 of Dancing With The Stars. And not the stars — the dancers.”

  • Mary:

    Your desolate tone is disheartening, Joe. I would hope that you, of all people, would be confident that this woman is going nowhere near the White House. Don’t you think that, if she did announce a run, the gloves would come off (at least a little)?

  • Freesia:

    I was getting ready to eat Mexican food. (Enchiladas. My favorite.)

    But I’ve lost my appetite.

    And I have no idea what to do. The press is working for her – intentionally or blindly. They’re supposed to be working for the country. That’s why they have 1st amendment protection. (Which turns out to be for Sarah’s protection. Just as she said.)

    I think I’ll have a beer. Or 10.

  • FrostyAK:

    “Isn’t She Pretty, Isn’t She Nice?”

    One word – NO!

    Spiral of silence continues from corporate media, unless it is all about celebrity,

    Another word, DISGUSTING!

    I thought this posting was about how Bristle has mutilated her face with plastic. Shades of Michael Jackson…

  • EatMoreFish:

    Don’t lose heart! The truth will out ….

    The media know that pictures/comments by the Quitter/Liar bring hits to their sites/publications. Not because $arah is admired = because the public can’t wait to hear the incredibly stupid things that spew from her mouth and how $arah is oblivious also too.

    Joe, you are helping to get the truth out about the horror that is $arah Pay-lin. Her world is unraveling daily and picking up momentum all the time.

  • True Blue Girl:

    Have some faith, that she’s either too needy to execute a plan, or just plain too stupid to get out of her own way. She operates in the realm of pathologies. I believe she’s doomed to trivial sidelines.

  • emrysa:

    how can anyone watch the quitter on ANY of her faux appearances and come away with the conclusion that “she is nice?” she is the meanest, nastiest, angriest, most vindictive person in politics today. all of her years of plastic surgery and botox may make her “pretty” (at certain angles and in certain light), but that woman is hands down the ugliest human being on the planet.

  • EatMoreFish:

    Here are the top 10 tags associated with $arah Palin books at Amazon:

    Grifter, Sociopath, Liar, Corrupt Politician, Quitter, Unfit for Office, Fake Pregnancy, Dysfunctional Family, Delusional, Prefessional Victim …

    There are 55 in all – among them: deranged ramblings of an idiot, whiner, word salad, worst governor ever, and worst mother in America.

  • Obama also made a dig, without using her name, but I can’t remember what it was. I just knew it was a Palin dig when I heard it.

  • Dee:

    It will be interesting to watch the media’s attention to Palin and Trump early this week as I’m sure they will attempt to spin the story on Obama of Bin Laden being killed by US troops, as in their eyes, Obama can do nothing right and they will see it as credit to someone else and Obama screwed up. Just watch and listen for the media sucking up to Trump and Palin, her running her mouth and her campaign via a ghost-written Facebook page!! The MSM is responsible for allowing the vaccuum and letting these two morons to suck the air out of the many important stories that should be reported.

  • lefty:

    Courage. Remember the Samizdat, pamphleteers, Wikileaks, etc….the free press lives outside the corridors of power wherever any one soul is committed to knowing and disseminating the truth.
    In the “Cherry Orchard’ Chekov brilliantly outlined the malaise and decline of the Russian ruling class and their lackeys prior to WW1. A similar play could be written now about the poligarchs and their servants, the MSM. The wheel will turn….

  • lefty:


    Courage. Remember the Samizdat, pamphleteers, Wikileaks, etc….the free press lives outside the corridors of power wherever any one soul is committed to knowing and disseminating the truth.
    In the “Cherry Orchard’ Chekov brilliantly outlined the malaise and decline of the Russian ruling class and their lackeys prior to WW1. A similar play could be written now about the poligarchs and their servants, the MSM. The wheel will turn….

  • Ottoline Lyme:

    Where are Woodward and Bernstein when we need them? Will it be Dunn, McGiniss, Bailey, & Scharlott? Will these books be enough to grab the attention of the larger electorate? Say it will be so, Joe.

  • AKRNC:

    Whatever Palin may have hoped to gain by her pretense at being part of Washington politics has now been deep-sixed by the death of bin Laden. She’s old news once again!

  • GypsyGirl:

    Where’s her famous “flag pin”? It’s not pinned to her lapel in the above photo, yet she’s wearing it in the photo with Seth Meyers in the VF link posted by Sullivan.

    Hmm, strange antics.

  • fromthediagonal:

    Did it have to do with “snatching the Easter sweets away from the children?”
    That looked to me like he was playing with SP’s lament about FLOTUS’ efforts on behalf of kids’ diet and exercise.

  • GypsyGirl:

    Also, I believe the only reason she was in D.C. was because Bristol [if I recall] was invited by “PEOPLE” magzine as a “guest” of theirs at the dinner and her mother was pissed & saw red.
    Remember, she’s in competition with her own daughter too. Between her obession with Bristol & Obama, I don’t know who she’s more obesses with of the two.
    So? What was Sorry Sarah to do? Why the next best thing of course.
    She gets her PR people to book her on some speaking event closest to D.C. and “If there isn’t one, well then creat one damn it!” Then calls up her media brown-noser [AKA Faux Greta] to drag her along for kicks [ya know, to rub in into “her haters” noses you betcha!] and spite Bristol in the process.
    She tries to stick it to the LSM, Trump, the Prez, all “her haters” and her daughter and all with the same stone.

    It’s a win, Win, WIN, flippin’ WIN for Sarah all the way around.

  • brbr2424:

    I liked this line from Andrew Sullivan “What a figure. She must be at least 8 months along by now.” Considering he is Trignostic, that was fun to read.

  • Lisabeth:

    I don’t know. Yes many fawned all over her. But I watch a lot of news and read twitter etc. And a lot of journalists make fun of her and bad mouth her. And not just left leaning media. I have more hope than you. A lot of people think she is an idiot. It took too long for some to get it, but I think they are.

  • Beth deris:

    Dan Quale spelled Potato wrong and that was the end of him. One word spelled wrong. We know have someone that can’t even put words together and she’s still going strong. I really don’t think she’s making Fox ratings higher ,so it has to be her vicious tongue but why pay her when we have Trump, Bauchman,Hannity and Rush.Who is behind this woman? She has no fear so she knows she’s protected but only till they don’t need her anymore.

  • sallyngarland,tx:

    I felt that, though Obama & Seth didn’t mention Palin, she was actually part of the joke in an indirect way. She went on Fox the night before the release of the birth certificate and said she believed Obama was born in Hawaii but “more power” to Donald for looking into it because there must be something he doesn’t want anyone to see. She said the same thing a year ago about people pursuing the certificate and had to backtrack with a statement. So she looks like the idiot she is, too, even though they didn’t mention her.

  • lee:

    Beth, one is a Saudie Prince. She likes to spout President Obama takes foreign money. Just follow her money trail. It is not pretty. Just as the photos of her taken in Hawaii show she is not either.

  • icvillages:

    When you look at television, radio and other talking head personalities like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and even Ann Coultier, you realize that these are simply characters filling a medium that serves some purpose (for some reason, you need two extremes of the spectrum.) A lot of their platforms are ratings tactics, designed to dominate a news cycle, sell books and lure advertisers to their networks and build a brand. These are niche personalities, designed by savvy media brokers and clearly ambitious individuals.

    When Sarah Palin said Alaska was like a microcosm of America, she meant as a proud member of the [Mat-Su] Valley White Trash of Alaska’s bible belt. Sarah may have lost whatever mainstream credibility the GOP gambled on her, since there was little room for temperance, intelligence and diplomacy with those heavy chips on the shoulders of that thin-skinned, glass jawed fake Pioneer goddess with abs and a cervix of st’il; but she embodied the byproduct of such a toxic campaign.

    Unwittingly, as a spectacular loser in a race that wasn’t hers, she managed to harness a fringe movement by those disenfranchised by a sitting half-black President. Still propped up by media magnates and corporate support, you still couldn’t build a dependable brand around Sarah. Sarah’s bought and sold as is, there is no room for improvement by someone as incurious and self-satisfied as she is. Fleshing out a well-rounded conservative these near three years – that would have meant work. And Sarah don’t do work, she quit the Oil & Gas Commission when she realized charm wouldn’t pass for it and we all know what she did with her first term as a statewide CEO (as she likes to call it, corporate leadership, that’s Sarah’s view of serving ‘the people.’

    But she still represents the American Dream, access to unimaginable riches and access to power without having to earn it in any real way, like Donald Trump. Calamity Jane and the Pandemonium Beast, a dream team for the Tea Party.

  • mudmanor:

    The President also made a Palin dig when he said he and Michelle were a team at the Easter Egg Hunt. He helped the kids find candy and Michelle grabbed it away from them! (A reference to her inane remark in the reality show that they were going to have s’mores to show the first lady.)

  • ibwilliamsi:

    Frosty, you have to wonder if Sarah and Bristol got the Mother/Daughter discount on the plastic surgery. That is neither the face nor the boobs Sarah had 5 years ago.

  • carollt:

    The media doesn’t seem to do any real reporting these days. They just take statements as fact and ask pundits their opinions of the statements that may or may not be factual. There is no discussion of what is true or not true. The who, what, when, where and how/why has been displaced by someone’s opinion of the news.

    I really don’t care about someone else’s opinion; I just want the facts. It is very frustrating trying to get factual information from the media. Where is Walter Cronkite when you need him (I was always a David Brinkley fan myself). Where is Tim Russert? Edward Murrow was before my time, but where is he? I’ll tell you where they are; dead and gone, just like journalism.

    We have taken to watching the BBC for news. The BBC still clings to that old-fashioned notion of reporting the facts. I find it a bit ironic that those in Europe under Nazi control during WWII also took to the BBC for real news.