Posts Tagged ‘Sarah Palin’

“Ultimate Makeover” for Sarah Palin on Friday?

Sarah’s next speech will be at a Women of Joy gathering in Oklahoma City on Friday. Women of Joy is an evangelical organization that’s part of Phil Waldrep Ministries. In its mission statement, the Phil Waldrep Evangelistic Association says it seeks “to spread the gospel to all of the world.”

Sarah spoke to a Women of Joy conference in Louisville in spring of 2010, urging her audience not to “let anyone try to convince you that God should be separated from the State.” Transcript of her speech available here.

It seems to me that Sarah has been badly wounded by her precipitous drop in popularity and relevance. Seeking solace, and trying to rebuild her self-confidence, which has always been far more fragile than her public appearances would suggest, she’s returning to her evangelical–Christian Dominionist roots.

The degree to which she’s wedded to Dominionist beliefs is something into which I delve deepy in The Rogue.

What better place for Sarah to lick her recent wounds than at a “Women of Joy” gathering in Oklahoma City? There’s no indication that Phil Waldrep will be there himself–he’s busy building his own evangelical radio network–but no doubt someone will be there, like Thomas Muthee was in Wasilla, to pray that Sarah remains impervious to infiltration by devils.

And if she’s really lucky, she might get nominated–if not by the GOP for president–at least by the Women of Joy for the “Girls Night Out Ultimate Makeover,” offered by Phil Waldrep’s organization.

Sarah Palin hearts Trump: she once yearned for Ivana

As I mention in The Rogue, Sarah once drove from Wasilla to J.C. Penney in Anchorage to get a glimpse of Ivana Trump as she promoted a new line of perfumes.   She told Todd she was going to Costco to buy groceries.  But she was really going to J.C. Penney to see Ivana because, as she told the Anchorage Daily News, she was “so starved for any semblance of glamor and culture.”

Now that she’s toeing his  birther line, maybe The Donald will let her sit on his lap.

Amazon now has a Joe McGinniss page

Ex-Palin spokesman says prof “in service of evil”

Not to mention that McAllister calls Professor Scharlott a “scumbag.”

Full email available here

What a classic example of Palinists turning a non-event (an unpublished academic paper not yet even in final form and sent to McAllister by Professor Scharlott only as a courtesy) into another colossal embarrassment.

Professor asks: Trig hoax? Sarah Palin spokesman enraged

A journalism professor at Northern Kentucky University has written a research paper titled, “Palin, the Press, and the Fake Pregnancy Rumor.”  The professor, Brad Scharlott, asserts that there was enough evidence of a possible hoax to have warranted closer scrutiny by mainstream media during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Sarah’s former spokesman, Bill McAllister, has gone ballistic in response, threatening to commit assault and battery on the professor and writing that he’d like to challenge him to a duel.  Calling Scharlott “despicable” and “a scoundrel,” McAllister forwarded his response to faculty colleagues, saying, “he should be fired.”

Rest assured, the question of whether Sarah is really Trig’s mother, or whether she faked the pregnancy and lied about the birth is not an issue I ignore in The Rogue.