Fools Walk In…

Oh, my.  Sarah went on Fox this weekend to praise Donald Trump (“more power to him”) for trying to prove that President Obama was not born in the U.S.

On the broadcast, she said Obama has “spent two million dollars to not show his birth certificate” and that his failure to produce it is “perplexing to a lot of people.”

Well, speaking of not producing birth certificates, where is Trig’s?

Of all the issues I would have thought Sarah would not have wanted to get involved in, I would have put “birth certificates” at the top of my list.  Just shows that even I can underestimate her capacity for putting her foot in her mouth when she easily could keep it on the ground.

She wants to join Trump’s inane campaign to revive the issue of Obama’s U.S. citizenship?

Didn’t anyone teach her about Pandora’s Box?

Or does she think that’s a zone defense used in women’s basketball?


93 Responses to “Fools Walk In…”

  • BanditBasheert:

    I am in awe. She actually wants to talk about someone’s birth certificate??? The woman has a Rent-A-Trig and SHE wants to jab at President Obama?

    Could it be because she is racist? Could it be because she is absolutely ravingly jealous? Or is it just her everyday insanity?

    Does she really want to open this discussion?

    And where ARE the people of Wasilla who know the truth and refuse to speak??? Because the rest of us have known for ages that the pregnancy was faked. Especially when in September 2010 she remarked that the baby was born in Anchorage after 2 years of “he was born at Mat-Su Regional”. NO mother forgets WHERE she had her baby.


  • Lynne:

    Is it illegal to get someone else’s DNA tested?

  • SCmommy:

    She really is desperate to appear relevant, isn’t she? But, wow–this is certainly a topic I would think she would want to stay FAR away from.

    Joe–do you think she’s just confident no one will go there because they haven’t yet? Or is she so arrogant that she feels fireproof on this topic? It seems to me that the possibility would make her shake in her bunny boots, but she’s so damn flip about the whole thing. Does she really think she can get away with this forever??? Do you really think she’s unafraid of this topic?

    I would really be interested in your thoughts/analysis here.

  • BanditBasheert:

    not at all. Anyone can request a DNA test – for example you could get discarded items from Palin family members and send them to Stanford (they do cat DNA testing for breeders). It costs about $65 – you can also buy an OTC DNA test in a lot of stores.

    The catch is you need to get DNA off of something discarded – a straw, gum, garbage.

  • BanditBasheert:

    Bunny boots?

    How funny … and you know I am sincere!!! Have missed you.

  • aPolishgirl:

    Mr. McGinniss, did you try to get a copy of TRI-G’s birth certificate when you were in AK? I think anyone can get a copy for a small fee. Please, someone in AK try to get a copy.

  • Joe:

    In Alaska, birth certificates are not public record.

  • SME:

    A birth certificate for Trig is NOT important. One does in fact exist but it proves NOTHING at all. Adoptive parents get a birth certificate that looks just like any other birth certificate from that state. I have no doubt Palin adopted Trig but asking for or accepting a birth certificate as proof of her being the birth mother is pointless.

    In most U.S. jurisdictions, at the time the adoption is finalized, the child’s name is legally changed, and the court orders the issuance of a new, amended birth certificate for the adopted child. This amended birth certificate:
    • replaces the name(s) of the biological parent(s) with the names of the adoptive parent(s), and
    • replaces the child’s birth name with his/her new name.
    The original birth certificate and other documents relating to the adoption are sealed, and are generally not available to parties to the adoption, as detailed in state law in the U.S.
    If an older child was adopted the year filed would be a dead giveaway, but Trig was adopted at birth so there would be no tell –tell signs. Some” states do show “as if born to” rather than “born to” but Alaska is not one of them. Also, because adoptions are private this type of court case never appears in a database like court view.

    The reason this is SO IMPORTANT to note is that one day she will use that birth certificate to try and prove she is the birth mother and then people will think she’s been telling the truth all along. Don’t aid her in that.

    The ONLY way to prove Trig isn’t her birth child is to
    1. get your hands on the adoption records – which will never happen,
    2. get a DNA test
    3. Have the birth mother come forward – which again I doubt will ever happen because chances are the birth mother doesn’t have a clue who adopted their child. The only way they would is if it was a private behind closed doors adoption and that alone would prevent them from coming forward since the agreement would contain a confidentiality clause or because it was an illegal adoption. Or
    4. see if Sarah’s medical records list 5 “live births” but all things considered I’m not sure that would be enough proof because it seems Palin has CBJ by the short and curly’s so who knows if she would falsify medical records or not.

  • Beth deris:

    Thank you . you really had to put up with a lot with that bunch, I don’t know how you did it. I will be buying your book.
    I’m glad your keeping the Trig story going and I loved your tweet back to Scara tonight. I mean I really loved it. I bet she’s steaming, she can’t control like she thought she could.

    Do you think the truth about Trig and the rest of all those babies will ever come out.
    You should think about making this into a soap opera,people would be glued to the tv and scratching their heads at the same time. You can call it “The Tangled Webs Of Our Lives.”

    Can’t wait for the book.

  • Knishette:

    Joe, I’ve got to say it…I’m loving your blog!

    As for me, I not only want to see Trig’s birth certificate, but $arah’s supposed B.S. degree.

    I am not jokin,g as I did read that the degree she earned was a B.S. not an M.A.

  • Gasman:

    I find it ironic that as evidence of some nefarious conspiracy, Trump has been saying that “nobody has come forward that witnessed President Obama’s birth. no doctors, no nurses, nobody.” Sarah Palin is backing THAT bit of idiocy? Does she really want to go THERE?

    Has anyone come forward that witnessed Sarah Palin birthing Trig? Have any doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, etc., verified that they were present when Trig was born? Aside from the fact that such admissions would be a violation of federal law, Palin seems to be all in favor when it concerns President Obama.

    However, Sarah Palin could end this controversy nearly instantaneously. All she has to do is sign and make public a complete waiver of her HIPAA rights so those witnesses might come forth and verify her story.

    I don’t think I’ll hold my breath waiting for that waiver.

  • dominicastar:

    Well, remember when Sarah dearest was refusing to release her medical records? Why didn’t she, is it because it could show this:
    1) She had a tubal ligation procedure after 4th child
    2) She has only given birth to four children
    3) She has had an abortion
    4) She has had plastic surgery
    5) She has had an STD

    Regarding the Tubal ligation remember this great post by Gryphen
    It’s a long post I know but towards the end you will find this gem
    FYI — I read this ‘comment’ a couple days ago:

    “Whoever gave birth to Trig, it couldn’t be Sarah. Remember, she had said that she ‘not only had her tubes just tied, she had them cut, and the ends burned – or some such measure to make SURE she wasn’t going to be having more babies.

    “Didn’t she have it done during the delivery of piper??

    “All of us who have kids that went to school with Sarah’s kids know to be absolute factual gospel truth: Sarah Palin had a tubal ligation after her last baby (Piper) was born.

    “She then took several days off work- more than she took when she “had” Trig. She bitched at Todd afterward saying HE should have gotten the snip since it was so much easier for men.”

    “Trig may actually have BEEN born at 7.5 months….but he wasn’t born in April ’08, and he sure as HELL did not issue forth from the tied, cut, and burned fallopian tubes of Sarah Louise Heath Palin.”

    Read on in the post because there is MORE!

  • Heidi3:

    Cheapskate Sarah has always gotten exactly what she’s paid for: The Keystone Cops. Just in the past week, three unconscionable tactical errors have been made:

    (1) As Joe points out, who in their right mind (oops?) would stupidly dare utter the words “Birth Certificate” at this particularly vulnerable moment when the Babygate s..t is hitting the fan?

    (2) Bristol’s flying monkeys, whilst screeching about her ’09 income of $332K having been so unscrupulously revealed by an “anti-Palin site” (Palingates), also very generously pointed out that “that blog” was the one claiming Trig was not birthed by Sarah.

    (3) Bill McAllister’s over-the-top reaction to Dr. Scharlott’s treatise. Nothing like a whole lot of free publicity for our favorite fake pregnancy topic, eh Bill?

  • dominicastar:

    Come to think of it I saw on a blog, it could be IM, but she called some press conference and it is clear as day she wore some body suit under her coat to appear pregnant. There was this unusal hump on her back and more importantly. I’ve been around many pregnant women (although I have yet to become pregnant) but pregnant women has a famous waddle when they walk, Sarah palin had none of that. I watched a Dennis Zaki video where she gave a speech at some Republican meeting regarding change of leadership in the party and towards the end of the video when she walked off stage, she did appear bulky, however she doesn’t have that waddle in her walk, she walks normal! Also, in another video in a discussion about women in politics (that’s when she spoke about Hillary should whine so much) she sat with her legs crossed while leaning forward. Aparantly this was when she was suppose to be heavily pregnant!

  • Chris:

    The ONLY reason she would weigh in on this birth certificate war, in my opinion, is because she NOW has some sort of manufactured birth certificate for Trig, that she thinks is her winning card against the nay saying critics…….she “thinks” her defense of Trig is all wrapped up, and she now can weigh in and say yeah, what about this Obama birther stuff!

  • Chris:

    She IS pandora’s box, she just doesn’t know it.

  • majii:

    What she and the others are NOT saying is that President Obama hasn’t spent the money to avoid showing a birth certificate which can be easily viewed on line but to lawyers to represent his interests in court. Surely people like Oily Taitz and Philip Berg didn’t expect to present their cases in court without getting push back from the president’s attorneys? If they did, they’re more delusional than I think they are.

  • Phil:

    This is much ado about nothing.

    Palin made it clear she believes Obama was born in the USA, all she said in response to a question is basically that there are reasonable questions people want to know and if Trump is willing to throw his money into it and investigate it, more power to him.

    As for the comparison between Obama and Trig. There is a huge difference. Let’s say for argument sake that Trig is not hers. What difference does it make? Are there any legal implications? A constitutional crisis? Just because you want to see the Birth certificate doesn’t mean that she has to show it to you. The only argument is that she lied. So she lied. It’s not illegal to bring up someone else’s child and say it’s yours. And if you’re argument is that she’s a liar and therefore shouldn’t become president, you have the option not to vote for her. And even if she win the presidency and it comes out later that Trig is not hers it doesn’t make any difference other than that she lied.

    With Obama however if he wasn’t born in the USA it creates a constitutional crisis.

  • sallyngarland,tx:

    I heard a rumor in 2008 that Palin was born in Canada and then I didn’t hear much more about it.

  • junasie14:

    Maybe that’s why she slipped that time and said that Trig was born in Anchorage. A birth certificate can have the name of the adoptive parents on it, but the date and place of birth cannot be changed. If Trig was really born in Anchorage, that is what will be on his actual birth certificate. Sarah and Todd may be listed as his parents, but it will show his real date of birth, which is more than likely NOT the day after the “wild ride” home from Texas. If Sarah has some sort of fake birth document for Trig, she would not be able to use it for anything official like getting him a passport or SS number because that is easily verified.

    Personally, I think she’s in complete denial about the whole thing, and maybe even believes she has done nothing wrong. If it’s God’s plan for her to be President, then all of her schemes are simply God’s way of opening doors for her to follow her calling. It has worked out remarkably well so far, given what a numbnut she is and how much fraudulent activity she has gotten away with over the years. Fraud and grifting are so much a part of her life that I doubt she has the ability to differentiate between proper and improper behavior. Her actions seems to be guided entirely by delusional beliefs about what God has in store for her, as opposed to any type of moral compass one would expect to see in a truly religious person.

  • Sue:

    About 2 weeks ago at IM, Gryphen had written a post that had absolutely nothing to do with Sarah. For some reason, the “older posts” button isn’t working for me. Anyway, amongst all the comments that didn’t mention Sarah, some flying monkey or Palin or Heath posted a comment basically saying she probably didn’t give birth to Trig, but so what? He’s part of the family and happy and thriving and yadayadayada.

    Then I remembered a while back, I believe it was before the big shake-up at PalinGates, that there was a plan at some point for Sarah to come “clean”, and admit she didn’t give birth to him. She was going to spin some sob story to make herself out to be the hero. I’m starting to wonder if that plan has been revived. She and her cult seem to be drawing a lot of attention to it. She knows the “lamestream media” has been ignoring it. Maybe she wants them to start digging, so she can accuse them also of “trying to destroy her family”. Then she can be a hero AND a victim.

  • comeonpeople:

    That is my thought as well. Someone has concocted a fake cert.
    Too late. WAAAAY TOO late.

  • Sharon:

    Ok, this is just another example of the strategy she’s employed since day one. She defies the rumors and fact checking of her record by defiantely bringing it up and mocking the person/organization that brings it up.
    Palin is one crazy grifter and I personally believe she has mental health issues. However, she’s also brilliant when it comes to fleecing the American public. I also believe the true story behind Trig is yet to be told – we’ve only speculated on the possibilities and in my opinion he belongs to her daughter and Bristol has produced at least 2 babies. The thing that horrifies me the most is that so many of us have been trying to unravel the complicated lies and stories while this woman continues to be relevant – when in the history of this country have we ever seen the likes of this insanity?? McCarthy? There are a lot of people involved in the cover-ups and should be prosecuted – as she should – first charge should be fraud. I’m so glad Joe entered this circus with his mightly pen!! 😀

  • jk:

    I don’t think she will produce Trig’s birth certificate (fake or with her name on it because they adopted him). It will dig her deeper into the lie and she knows the truth about her faking the pregnancy will be coming out soon. I think she’s hedging her bets, knowing there are some ignoramous voters who still believe Obama was born in Kenya. I also think she’s scared Trump with turn his megalomaniac eye on her so she doesn’t want to piss him off.

  • omomma:

    As everyone knows (or should know as a condition of citizenship) for most, U. S. citizenship does not depend upon WHERE they were born, but TO WHOM they were born. If one or both parents are citizens of the U.S., their children are also citizens of the U.S. regardless of where the parents were living at the time of birth.

    For example, the rumor that Sarah Palin was born in Canada has no relationship to her citizenship status, unless neither of her parents were citizens at the time. The same is true for John McCain, who was born in Panama.

    There are a few people to whom citizenship is conferred if they are born in the U.S. of non-citizen parents.

  • pinhead:

    I also think the reason she dares to utter the words “birth certificate” at this time is because she must have procured a fake one and now she is ready to be challenged. She must be feeling pretty confident.

  • Sharon:

    I believe Palin WAS chosen by God to become the VP candidate in 2008 but NOT for the reasons she thinks. In my opinion I believe her presence on the national stage was met to shine a spotlight on the real issues we still face today. Such as racism, gender discrimination and religous extremism. I paid attention to that election in a way I’ve never done before. And nobody can deny the impact she’s had on us since. Not in a good way. I’m ashamed of Americans today. I know we have so many complicated issues and there’s no easy answers as a society. But even the issues with immigration laws – I thought America was supposed to be a beacon of light, of hope and open to those that seek democracy and liberty. When did we become so hateful and despise those who seek our borders for a better life? As I said, I DO understand it’s a complicated issue – not enough jobs, etc. But I feel deep sorrow for how heartless we’ve become. And I support my President – but people like Palin and her ilk have relentlessly attacked him and his WIFE for gods sake. The underlying racism is beyond offensive. And how about the likes of beck and limbaugh and Joe Miller?? Beck actually blamed Japan for the awful earthquake and tsunami – OMG! These far right hateful racist and bungling idiots do NOT represent me or the best of America. And the sad situation in WI and Walker – his outrageous treatment of the unions and the damage that’s done to all of us – and walker’s record shows a dishonest and self seeking piece of crap with a double standard. When did our standards drop to this dismal level that we would even pay attention to the likes of walker, palin, miller and coulter, etc.
    I’m so glad we have people like Joe Mcginnis that can expose the truth and not be afraid to do so. Sorry for the long rant – I’m just so dismayed by the outrageous things we put up with today. Where is America going?

  • Lidia17:

    Of course she is going to talk about birth certificates. As I’ve noted elsewhere, there is a “Tell-tale Heart” aspect to all of this. Palin leaves lots of clues as to her misbehavior… the more she talks, the better, as far as I am concerned.

  • MissHarleyQuinn:

    When I was in college I took a criminal law class. The professor posed the question, “If you were driving along a deserted road, basically in the middle of nowhere and found a bag holding a million dollars would you take it? Keep in mind, no one will ever know. You will never face any sort of charges or investigation, do you take the money or turn it in to the closest police station?” Of course the majority of the class replied they would take the money. He then asked, “Would you still take the money if it were in a bank vault, guarded heavily, and there was a very good chance you’d be caught and arrested?” Most people said no, it wasn’t worth it. That he said was the difference between a normal person’s way of thinking and a criminal’s mindset. We weigh the consequences of our actions, a criminal believes they are smarter, better, and in a way deserve the riches they desire and attempt to gather. Mrs. Todd Palin always reminds me of that class scenario, the way in which she truly seems to believe she is better and more deserving than anyone else on the planet, any crime is worth it to serve her desires. I’ve said it before, for the right money she’d eat Trig on stage.

  • SHE’S INSANE!!!!!!! Thank you for your new blog…….

  • karenw729:

    Narcissists don’t realize when they’re wrong, that’s why she’ll promote the Obama birth certificate issue because she never feels any sense of danger or guilt. This is why we’ve never heard her admit that she’s wrong about something, because in a narcissists’ mind they are always right, always above the laws that others live under, always better than everyone else.

    Thanks, Joe for helping to expose this mentally ill phony for what she is. Can’t wait for your book to be released. But please rethink that cover design! I can understand you want it to look different than Dunn’s book, but right now it looks like a novel. And we don’t want people to think this is fiction!

  • Alaskan:

    I so agree with your description of what is going on in politics Sharon. I am horrified at how rude and disrespectful idjits like Sarah, Beck and Limbaugh are to our sitting President and his beautiful, caring wife. It’s appalling that they have been given a platform to spew their hateful racist rhetoric. As an Alaskan we are so ashamed and disgraced that she has lived most of her life in Alaska. She is from a part of Alaska though that is not filled with longtime Alaskan’s. They came here during the oil boom. They arrived here with their backwards thinking, their weird “twang” to the English language, and wrapped themselves around their over the top, far right religious beliefs.

    Gone are the days when traveling people would ask you about living in igloos and fishing for King Salmon, if you told them you were from Alaska. Now they always ask…”what do you think” about Sara Palin? Well…trust me, we have nothing nice to say about her record as a half term Governor, and how she uses and abuses Alaska, her own family, and anyone else for financial gain. If one looks at the proof that has been laid out by some of our Alaskan bloggers and International bloggers, they have done an amazing job on proving the complete hoax that has been played on the American people in regards to her being the biological mother to , Trig Palin.

  • Nefer:

    I believe Palin jumped on the birther train for one reason. Trump is getting lots of attention lately and she is not.

    I don’t believe she has any impulse control and that she is incapable of looking ahead to measure the consequences of a particular course of action.

    Going on the judge’s show to yap birther twaddle yesterday? Hey, suddenly she is in the news today. She just can’t grasp that the long-term consequences to her doing so may actually be negative to whatever political, celebrity, or career aspirations she might have.

    As an example, look at the budget issue. Bachmann and Huckabee despise Pres. Obama as much as Palin does. But they can grasp that to have put out reckless statements such as Palin did (her demented last-minute tweets), could have detrimental effects on their long-term plans. They can see that walking away from one battle can enable them to be around for a bigger, more important battle down the road. Palin can not grasp that at any level. She is essentially a two-year old in that respect.

  • FormerRepublican:

    Palin enjoys the issue that Trump is making about Obama’s birth certificate because it means that the heat is off her faked pregnancy. But she is mistaken; this isn’t going away. Soon she will be bleating again about how evil bloggers “still say Trig isn’t my child!” She never states the truth, which is that we say she didn’t GIVE BIRTH to him.

    I can’t wait to read The Rogue.

  • g:

    “spent two million dollars to not show his birth certificate”

    Just out of curiosity, how did this particular talking point begin? For one thing, Obama has shown his birth certificate – certainly what the state of Hawaii has verified.

    What would the supposed $2M go for? Who’d he pay it to? When supposedly did he “spend” it? Where do they get this cockamamie story from?

  • Tservo:

    Worse, Trump is wrong. A nurse named Nelson says she was working in the hospital Obama was born in, the day of his birth.
    Dr. West, now deceased, delivered him.
    Plus, Trump uses the phrase ‘come forward’ which implies those who do were once part of a conspiracy. In addition, all who have spoken about growing up with the President are simply ignored- like the nurse.

  • laprofesora:

    I think it speaks to her mental illness. She has something to hide and she just can’t help but spill the beans. Keep in mind how often she uses projection; she’s always accusing others of her own inadequacies. My husband’s ex has NPD, and she would do this all the time. These folks think they’re being so clever but the crazy just spills out all over the place.

  • VictoriaJ:

    What difference does it make if Palin faked a birth? Are you insane?
    It makes a difference because Sarah Palin claims she might want to run for the presidency.
    It makes a difference because she has built her pro- life credentials on her “birthing” a child she supposedly knew had DS and claims she’s special for it. She used this child as a prop and may have gotten him for self-serving reasons. It makes a difference because if she concocted this lie, she is a sick individual and should be nowhere near the WH let alone decent people. That’s what difference it makes.

    And a question for you. Do you really think George Bush and Dick Cheney who ran the country while President Obama was running for president didn’t check EVERYTHING out about him? Do you really think they wouldn’t have outed him if there were ANY chance that he was not a citizen? And by the way his mother was, so all of this is crap. There would never be a constitutional crisis. I’ll bet you never gave a thought about old John McCain being born out of the country? And when Obama and Clinton signed off to not making him being born in Panama an issue, I guess you missed that one, huh?

  • Palin has embellished her lie… She has woven an extravagant narrative and adventurous tale of the birth of Trig, promoting herself as the valient saver of motherhood, itself….gag me.

  • HollyP:

    I am convinced the reason Palin can’t even show a birth certificate is because Trig’s date of birth is not 4/18/2008. Even if she legally adopted him and got the certificate showing that she is his mother, it has the wrong date. That photo of Chuck in the hospital hallway with a baby does NOT show a child born within the last several hours.

  • BanditBasheert:

    spanx would contain skin cells and possible hair fibers. A straw would be good – they appear to be extremely careful to make sure they leave nothing behind.

    Legally anything that is thrown away in garbage is discoverable…anything.

    But if Trig isn’t hers and is never there, it would be tough to get DNA from him.

  • VictoriaJ:

    So true. Sarah is constantly telling on herself. I don’t know if its hubris or the behavior of a disturbed
    child who thinks they are invisible and anything they do or say is beyond everyone’s understanding.

  • BanditBasheert:

    some of what you say is true. For example, an adoption BC clearly states “amended” in many states. That is an indication that something has happened to the original but doesn’t say what. I think “faking” someone elses pregnancy is a bit different then telling a lie. It is perpetrating FRAUD. It isn’t so much that she lied (she always does) – it is that she pretended to give birth to a DS child.

    IF she had simply adopted Trig there would be no story. It isn’t about “adopting” – it’s about “pretending” in her fantasy world. And using a DS child as a political prop is low even for a GOPer.

  • BanditBasheert:

    My personal favorite was “As the Stomach Turns”.

  • BanditBasheert:

    Correction please? She has fooled SOME of the American public – and is fooling less all the time. Her callous remarks following Gifford’s shooting highlighted the insanity that possesses her. In spite of even Roger Ailes telling her to SIT DOWN and SHUT UP, she had to open that fat Narcissistic mouth of hers and try to make it all about her!

    I think many many more people were deeply disturbed at her catatonic and irrational response and her use of the term “blood libel”. She showed just how sick and twisted and tone deaf she was to the people who were dealing with a horrible political assassination attempt. This was NEVER about her – although she pointed an arrow at Gabby G and she knew she had stepped in a pile of her own steaming dung.

    She never listens to advice – it’s why she is struggling to keep her head above water. Sure she’s making some money, but she is nowhere near the WH. Most right thinking Americans have no desire to to see that vermin in the WH.

  • BanditBasheert:

    10% of Republican voters will NOT win a National Election. I also doubt whether any of the professional Presidential Campaign Committees will choose to work with her. They are a very close knit group and they talk. Steve Schmidt made it very clear that many would NOT work with a candidate who cannot take orders or who doesn’t NOT possess the capability of LEARNING even with 5×7 notecards.

    She has a terrible reputation in DC – these people who do this for a living won’t touch her. The only ones who might are RAM and LittleTimmy in the Well!

  • entropy:

    I am the parent of three adopted children who lives in Alaska. All our kid birth certificates list us as the parent so SME is 100% correct. Stop talking about birth certificates!

  • BanditBasheert:

    Actually that discussion has been around for quite awhile and is very believable. Especially the Tubal Ligation – they DO cauterize the ends during the procedure .. and it is easier for men but easily done during delivery. I have always believed this to be a very plausible thing for her to have done…plus let’s face it, she is no spring chicken.

    As far as Bristol, maybe someday she will learn that putting out doesn’t really mean you are popular. She apparently has a long record of being indiscriminate and unable to function without a man/guy. She is immature and spoiled. She is sad in my opinion / she will never be happy or successful because she can do nothing on her own. There will never be any type of accomplishment in her life.

    Personally I feel very sorry for Bristol – she never really had a chance in life. Having a lot of money isn’t happiness…

  • BanditBasheert:

    Psychiatrically she is “projecting” … she accuses others of what she is guilty of doing. She tattles on herself – she thinks it makes her popular.

  • BanditBasheert:

    Awesomely stated.

  • BanditBasheert:

    While I agree with what you say, it is also possible that she has passed through a recent depressive phase and has re-entered her manic phase. The quiet began after she opened that big mouth and tried to make the Giffords shooting “all about her”.

  • BanditBasheert:

    I don’t know if Joe allows swearing on his blog / but the story apparently was pulled out of her a**.

  • Chickapee:

    I do not believe that Trig has been adopted. That is why she did not take him to Canada, and other places outside the USA. In fact if he were adopted, the judge who signed the petition would have come forward to protect the child. You cannot adopt a child for political reasons,etc, even if it is your grandchild. They look for the best suited parents for the child. Writing a book about birthing a child you didn’t, is grounds for removal of the child from that person. Where is child protective services in Alaska. They went after the Alaskan woman on DR Phil for video taping herself disciplining her adopted child, yet Sarah tapes a Series where her children are not seat belted. That is child abuse, and if Trig were adopted, he would be removed from her home. I think she planned on adopting him, but Levi and Bristol would not concur. Sarah has no one fooled but herself. I wish people would stop pitying her and call her out on the biggest lie ever. Trig is no more Sarah’s biological son, than being mine.

  • Yes, I understand your point. But I would say it is very important for this reason.
    If it is true that she has faked the birth of a baby, one has to ask, why? Why should anybody fabricate such a hoax? And the next question is why wouldn’t she simply admit that she had some personal reason for lying to the public about the baby?
    I can assume she cannot because whatever she is hiding is worse than being caught in a lie- even one as silly and outrageous as this..or because she doesn’t want to lose the sympathy that being a parent of a baby with DS provides her.

    Alternatively she cannot just admit it because the public would know that if she is willing to fake a pregnancy, the voters might start asking what other things she has lied about in her race for fame. In the end, what kind of person would do such a thing? What on earth could be their motive? And shouldn’t this, at least, give intelligent people a very good reason for rejecting this person for the position of leadership? Personally, I think it is important because it suggests a deep rooted dishonesty or some kind of mental disturbance.

  • Tiger:

    I believe that Trump is a patriot. If the day ever comes when he feels that Palin represents any danger/threat to this country he will probably send his investigators to Alaska to get to the bottom of babygate.

  • SME:

    Alaska BC for adopted children look exactly like all BC. In Alaska they do not say amended or anything else. They are identical to regular BC’s.

  • SME:

    I know someone who works in Dept of Revenue for PFD’s, she DID submit Trig’s BC – whether it is a really good forgery isn’t known. But she did submit one for his PFD. Not to have filed for one would have been a foolish mistake on her part. But we know she has one.

  • DLB44:

    I still believe in Occam’s Razor, ie, the simplest explanation is probably correct. $arah adopted a baby that belongs to someone close in the family, and revealing that adoption would have focused attention on that ‘someone.’ The baby could be Todd’s, Track’s, or Bristol’s – who knows, but she must have felt that her political chances would have been eliminated by a baby that resulted from a liaison by that someone.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Bristol is the mom, and she (Sarah) may or may not of legally adopted TriG. She could easily have someone print up a fake BC. As Joe says in AK they are not public documents.
    Why hasn’t she? She controls the gov up there.
    There is another reason.
    Maybe Bristol would talk? Maybe that is Bristol’s hold on her, that she is the REAL Bio Mom and Sarah better not forget it?
    JMO as always…

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    Then what about the “Big Show” of TriG coming out of the Mat-Su hosp? How would she explain THAT is TriG was born in Anchorage?

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    More like a HOAX perpetuated on the AMERICAN people! She used TriG as her Pro-life prop! Without TriG she couldn’t of promoted her book as a failed VP candidate.
    Sorry bot…the shit has hit the fan and you can stop it no matter hard hard you try! Pandora’s box is OPEN!

  • SME:

    The 2 million claim has been around for a long time and has never had any merit. Trump brought it up again recently and now Palin is tagging along as well.

  • Joyce T:

    Even before $arah ran for VP, I always felt that Trig is Todd’s child, but not $arah’s (mainly because $arah never looked pregnant). I know family members, and they have always said, “Todd is a good dad with Trig,” or, “Todd spends a lot of time with Trig,” or, “Todd sure loves that little guy.” I never heard anyone say, “$arah is a good mom.” Or, “They are good parents?”

    I believed, then, and still believe now, that Trig is Todd’s baby and he was born before April 18. The photo of the baby that Todd and $arah introduced to Alaska is not a three day old preemie baby with down syndrome. That baby looks more like he’s three months old.

    So I am sure no birth certificate will be forthcoming. The only true test would be DNA.

  • Jane Donnell:

    Constitutional crisis? I think not. His mother was an American citizen so he could have been born on Mars (or in Panama) and still also be a citizen.

  • Pam Bjorlo:

    Thank you, Joe, for allowing all of us who are so disgusted with the fraudulent birth story to find another place to air our disgust. I hope you find some information in all the comments that you can put to good use. There are so many things about Palin, and especially that birth story, that need to be investigated. The one photo that showed up with her as big as she “should” have been yet no one who will say they took it or posted it. That can only mean fraud in my mind. Along with so many other aspects of this birth. Between you and the professor and am amazing number of people who will continue to pursue this story, I am offering my admiration. Thank God for the internet and the ability it gives so many to get out so much information!! Cheers on to you all!!!

  • Nefer:

    You may be on to something. She spent several days preparing her video; the script, the “presidential” setting, the timing (before the president’s!) etc. It wasn’t a spontaneous off-the-cuff interview, but carefully planned to show herself in a wonderful light and the President in a negative light as a poor after-ran to her speech.

    The reaction to her speech was overwhelmingly negative, while the reaction to Pres. Obama’s speech was overwhelmingly positive. Her narcissism won’t allow her to consider the reason why he received praise and she not only wasn’t praised but was condemned. I think it truly stunned her into shutting her piehole until she could repress the experience sufficiently to start squawking again.

  • hockeynana:

    I will never forget that picture at the convention of Levi holding Trig and gazing down on him with a rapt expression. That was the picture of a father looking at his own child…not his pseudo-fiance’s deranged mother’s child (born miraculously years after she had her tubes “tied and burned”). Bristol’s attention was also not that of an older sibling being forced to care for her baby brother.
    When blogs first started talking about this whole issue, I thought they were crazy. But as more and more information comes to light about the Palin’s, nothing will surprise me.
    One question…has anyone seen Trig lately? On IM the other day one of the many bots (or are they all the postings of one person?) said that Sarah keeps him with her at all times. Personally, I can’t remember the last time I have seen a picture of him.

  • I felt the same way during the election, and feel the same way now. So many things that I’ve seen and have always bothered me are now being expressed everywhere. It is really painful for me to see what has happened to our country. I only hope that there are enough of us to keep the far right extremists at bay and that our next generation will change everything for the better. We have to hope.

  • BlueberryTart:

    When Lisa Demer of the Anchorage Daily News interviewed Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson in late 2008, CBJ was accompanied by her lawyer, upon whose advice CBJ refused to confirm whether she was present at the birth and declined to answer any other questions.

  • BlueberryTart:

    Agree. She gets a little rush from flying close to the flame. It’s like when she brings up the “Trig Truthers” or claims that she released the birth certificate (“which we have done”) — she gets charged up by tempting fate.

  • honestyinGov:

    I would challenge anyone to ask a few of their female friends ( pick 5 moms ) who are actually Mothers and have gone thru childbirth and have them view these videos and they put together a timeline of events.
    (DON’T ask men… they have no idea what a woman goes thru and experiences with their bodies physically )
    Follow the timeline and the sequence.

    Pay special attention to her appearance on stage at the Newsweek Conference sitting with Janet Napalitano when the day after her appearance there she had her staff call Karen Breslau to inform her that Gov Palin was 7 months pregnant. ( You don’t think Karen, who is a Woman would not RECOGNIZE that? ) She had to be told.

    Also notice that during a full 20 minutes that Palin ( SUPPOSEDLY 7 months pregnant ) was able to ..
    1. Cross her legs.
    2.Lean forward with her elbows and hand on her knees
    3. Showed NO discomfort or trouble breathing the whole time when answering the questions.No wincing… no shortness of breath… nothing.

    Perfectly comfortable in THIS position. Ask ANY woman to duplicate this feat.
    Also the still shots of her leaning over in the blue jacket to use the copy machine…. and she SUPPOSEDLY had a baby within a week of those pics. These miraculous feats or Sarah are not physically possible. Not if you are carrying a baby.

    (1 of 2) The Perfidy of Sarah Palin; proof Sarah faked her pregnancy

    (2 of 2; alternate titles) The Perfidy of Sarah Palin; proof Sarah faked her pregnancy

  • truthrocks:

    I have come to believe that she actually believes her lies and projections, which is as sad as it is dangerous.

    People are complicit with this behavior for the following reasons:

    1. Fear – of retribution for speaking the truth.
    2. Greed – monetary/power gain, such as with FOX news or those working directly for her.
    3. Christianism – those who have elevated her to a divine status, believing their god is speaking through her.
    4. Anger/Paranoia – those who hate the government as sinister and out to get them, as in Dominionists.
    5. Fantasizers – those who endow her with attributes they desperately wish she had – like kindness, etc.

    Just my opinion/observations.

  • Alaskan:

    Sharon….Alaskan’s sent a very strong message when we won hands down by writing in Lisa Murkowski’s name for U.S. Senate. I am so proud to be part of making history in the United States, and proving…don’t ever tell a woman who’s Alaskan, that she can’t do something….we will prove you wrong. In this case…we wanted to send Joe Miller back to Kansas….and basically, we did. He still resides in Alaska, but he is un-electable.

    I had no idea how many “crazies” we have up around the Wasilla area. That’s a part of Alaska that I have never ventured to, nor have any desire at this point. I am hoping that Joe can make some connections here during her term as governor and her connection to Joe Miller (AIP) I am very happy to hear that he looked closely at Troopergate and hopefully he will let people know about the Trooper’s plane and how Sarah thought it should basically be at her disposal. With the help of the MSM not doing their job, and her always playing the victim card, babygate was never investigated. You have sitting Senators and House Reps in Alaska’s Legislator who saw her daily, and they had no idea that she was pregnant. No way that can go un-noticed when you are pregnant with your fifth child. Good luck to Joe McGinniss…please leave no stone unturned.

  • KarenJ:

    Yeah, that was the Newsweek interview with Janet Napolitano in L.A., conducted by Karen Breslau March 4, 2008, the day before Palin announced she was 7+ months pregnant. Palin wore black pantihose and high heels as well as her funereal black suit disguise– can you imagine how her NON-PREGNANT stomach was compressed with the elastic top of the pantihose + crossing her legs + leaning forward in her chair?

  • Cypress:

    The more important issue, if Trig is her child, is why did she get on a 10 hour plane trip I’d she was starting labor. Focusing on this issue is important because she claims to be anti- abortion yet engaged in behavior that might have endangered her child. I ma not aware of any other mothers to be in labor that would get on a plane. My mother when in labor with her fourth child barely had enough time to get to the hospital. So if she felt she had enough time to take a long plane flight, why was that? I think this decision alone cause the need to discuss her willingness to risk the life of a child for her own needs, what kind of leader would she be with that type of risk taking behavior?

  • KarenJ:

    This is the real story.

    Of course the wingnuts have twisted this story into something completely unrecognizable and something sinister (woooOOOooo).

  • KarenJ:

    Mid-October last year when she had a cranky Trig on her hip, in Arizona to pick up the pair of pink undies Sheriff Arpaio had made especially for her?

  • Well, even if this is her plan, she’s a fool if she thinks that lying over and over (and in print) won’t hurt her chances no matter what cockamamie story she cooks up. And double that, if she thinks that researchers won’t jump in with both feet to pick apart the newest version of her life. And this is important, I think, to come up with a new story about TriG, she will have to throw somebody under a bus. Todd or RAM or a doctor. There is no other way around it; Somebody will have to be sacrificed if she has a plan to lie her way out of this.

    The people closest to her at this point had better be collecting as much protection information as they can because this window of opportunity to come clean about what they know and what they can prove is quickly closing. Coming out now with the Palin secrets would make you a hero but wait a couple weeks, and you are just a partner in grift.

    The funny thing she can’t keep her stories straight anyway and I have very little confidence that Sarah (and her quirky entourage of worshipers) could ever keep their stories straight. My question has always been this: how exactly does she hold these lies together? What hold does she have over those people to keep them from telling what they know? Is it fear? Money? Power? I suspect it is something related to the dark force of evil.

  • Ivyfree:

    I don’t think the President’s attorneys have been involved at all. Why would they? It seems that local civil authorities have been involved, but that it hasn’t involved much work- it’s too easy to prove that the President has, in fact, released his birth certificate and it shows him as having been born in Hawaii- exactly as he says.

  • Ivyfree:

    Sarah lying about Trig means any or all of three things. First, it’s a judgment issue. She picked a very elaborate hoax rather than adopting her daughter’s baby and asking the public to respect the birth mother’s privacy. Why do things the hard way? Bad judgment. Second, it was bizarre to think that she, a sitting governor, could actually get away with it- and she didn’t: there were stories right from the start that she wasn’t pregnant. Many people simply don’t believe it, no matter how many pictures she’s had scrubbed from the Internet. Not only does she tell the lie, but she repeats it and adds to it and changes details. Bizarre. I’d like my President to be a little mentally healthier, thank you very much.

    Finally, it’s not a legal issue but a moral one: the sheer callousness of using somebody else’s special needs baby as a means to garner votes. To use him, and not even provide adequate care for him. He was prescribed glasses and we don’t see him wearing them. He should have been getting therapy when he was on that damn bus tour with Sarah promoting her book, and he couldn’t have been getting what he needed. At this point, she’s traveling a lot and can’t be seeing much of him- if she were his mother, I’d like to think that she was cuddling him and working with his therapists and, you know, MOTHERING him. Presidents use people: they have to. They have to give orders. I’d like to think that the person giving the order has a little more sense of the worth of a human than Sarah has demonstrated. Because she’s treated Trig as a slightly inconvenient convenience.

  • Ivyfree:

    And I believe the baby is Bristol’s because Aunt Heather said that Bristol stayed with her and attended school while she was pregnant- and Tripp, who supposedly was born full term at the end of December 2008, could not have been that pregnancy. Because for Tripp, if you count the months, Bristol would have gotten pregnant in March, would have realized it late April or May, school would have been out beginning of June- no reason to avoid school- summer vacation- and did not attend school in the fall, but stayed home during the campaign and after the election. In order for Bristol to have attended school while living at Aunt Heather’s during a pregnancy, she would have had to have gotten pregnant in the summer and been aware with it and kicked out by her mother in the fall of 07- and bingo! That’s when she wasn’t living at home. (Although a big-bellied Bristol did attend an MTV taping in NYC in October of 07.)

  • Exp:Nov5.08:

    Cypress, I understand why you’d say that, and no disrespect, but her endangering a pregnancy that didn’t exist is not the real issue. That aspect of the whole lie is just a distraction. There are a lot of ‘ifs’. If she was in another state, why did she consider an abortion, if she’s pro-life? If her water broke, why didn’t CBJ tell her to go to a hospital, or not say anything? The ‘if’ questions only count IF she was really pregnant with Trig, which she wasn’t. She didn’t fly pregnant and she didn’t give her speech pregnant. She didn’t risk anyone’s life, Trig’s or her own.
    I think the real issue is why she would fabricate the lie (pregnancy announcement, Wild Ride, presentation of Trig as preemie, continued talk of pregnancy and birth with changing of details, etc.) in the first place.

    Why did Sarah Palin pretend she was pregnant with Trig, and that she gave birth to him, when she wasn’t, and didn’t?

    ps. Thank you for this blog, Joe. All the best to you in your endeavors!

  • lilly lily:

    Bristol truly seemed very caring of Trig before she had Tripp.

    After Bristol had Tripp who was your average infant, Trig seems to have been shuffled off to Buffalo.

    But her maternal instinct may have been triggered.

    I think the ruffle eared child was Bristols, an don’t know who is Trig’s biological mother. Ruffles also seems to have been shuffled off to Buffalo.

    Ruffles isn’t the current Trig.

    The truth will eventually come out, it usually takes time, but eventually it will all be exposed, whatever it is.

  • AKRNC:

    Obama has spent very little on defending himself in lawsuits. Of the 66 or so lawsuits involving eligibility, only 3 required Obama to personally defend himself. The others were against various state and federal officials claiming Obama (and McCain) were ineligible to be on the ballot or were ineligible Electors. These suits were paid for by the named parties, not Obama.

    Suits filed after the election have been defended by the Department of Justice. None of the cases ever survived a Motion to Dismiss, many were dismissed without requiring a response from the defendants. In a few cases, the defendants were awarded costs, each under $1000. Law suits are cheap up to that stage — depositions, discovery, and trial are where the real money racks up.

  • mitch:

    Sorry to be redundant, but this can’t be stated enough. Very well thought out and logical.

    Since we all seem to be cross-posting (Same members, different blogs) Let’s hear some ideas about how to post on C4p. Especially the above posted link.

  • Sammy:

    What about Track?

  • Stopher:

    They also have your children’s accurate dates of birth. I suspect that Trig was not born when Sarah claims he was, which explains why she doesn’t put the matter to rest.

  • frances dale:

    Go ahead and rant.I completely agree with you.I feel it’s finally coming to a head.This blog is a great comfort.

  • lee:

    And why Professor Brad Scharlott’s research is important.

  • Ottoline Lyme:

    Even if SP comes up with either a forged or an air-tight birth certificate, it still would not explain the multiple photos that show her body absolutely contradicting any possibility that she could have given birth as stated.

  • sallyngarland,tx:

    A birth certificate, fake or otherwise, won’t ever explain the negligence of the “wild ride” scenario from TX to AK.