Posts Tagged ‘Trump’

Fools Walk In…

Oh, my.  Sarah went on Fox this weekend to praise Donald Trump (“more power to him”) for trying to prove that President Obama was not born in the U.S.

On the broadcast, she said Obama has “spent two million dollars to not show his birth certificate” and that his failure to produce it is “perplexing to a lot of people.”

Well, speaking of not producing birth certificates, where is Trig’s?

Of all the issues I would have thought Sarah would not have wanted to get involved in, I would have put “birth certificates” at the top of my list.  Just shows that even I can underestimate her capacity for putting her foot in her mouth when she easily could keep it on the ground.

She wants to join Trump’s inane campaign to revive the issue of Obama’s U.S. citizenship?

Didn’t anyone teach her about Pandora’s Box?

Or does she think that’s a zone defense used in women’s basketball?