Posts Tagged ‘Tuscon’

The Girl Can’t Help It: Nastiness & Pettiness Form Sarah’s Core//UPDATE 1.1

Even knowing that it was the right thing to do–both from a standpoint of simple decency and for her own self-interest–Sarah Palin last night could not bring herself to congratulate President Obama.

On Twitter, she thanked “American men and women in uniform.”

On Facebook, she added “our intelligence services.”

But for President Obama, Commander-in-Chief of U.S. military and intelligence forces, nary a word.

She’s just too mean-spirited and resentful.  It’s in unguarded moments that character–or lack of same–most often reveals itself.

First, after the Giffords shooting and again last night, Sarah inadvertently gave us a glimpse of what passes for her heart.

It ain’t pretty.

The Washington Post reported yesterday that when Sarah appeared at the MSNBC party after the White House Correspondents dinner, “Invariably, onlookers whispered to their friends: ‘Isn’t she pretty? Isn’t she nice?‘”


No, and no.


Even Rush Limbaugh was able to say what needs to be said:  “Thank God for president Obama.”

Snarky Sarah has painted herself into another lonely corner by refusing to give the president credit for the successful Bin Laden operation.


Limbaugh now says he was being sarcastic, which makes him every bit as horrid as I always thought he was.  Let’s see what Sarah says tonight at the “Honor the Troops” event at Colorado Christian U.