Posts Tagged ‘jason salzman’

Sarah and Jerry Boykin Share Stage at Colorado Christian U.//UPDATE//UPDATE 1.1

The Colorado Independent offers a fine preview of this “patriotic/Christian” event.

Conservatives4Palin site promised live streaming, but all it does is crash my browser.

Probably God telling me not to bother paying attention.

Even God must have limits when it comes to Sarahspeak.



Jason Salzman at writes that “neither Boykin nor Palin is going to discuss Islam,” and says: “She and Boykin should be asked the question that the organizer of tonight’s event posed but refused to answer, ‘Can a good Muslim be a good American?'”

Don’t hold your breath for either the question or answer. Although I think we know that if they were honest, both Palin and Boykin would have to answer, “No.” Their God is for evangelical Christian dominionists only. It’s not a big tent. Leave your shoes and rationality at the door before entering. But bring your guns, willful ignorance, intolerance and cross-hair maps. Donations to the cause gratefully accepted–especially by Sarah.


ABC News’ Claton Sandell reports from Lakewood, Colo.:

Sarah Palin gave passing praise to President Obama’s “decisive leadership” in the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, though in a speech here Monday night the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate did not once use Obama’s name.

“We want to thank our president,” Palin said, but then she quickly shifted focus to the previous administration for having laid the groundwork.

“We thank President Bush for having made the right calls to set up this victory,” Palin told a cheering crowd.

So Sarah mentioned Bush by name, but not Obama.  One thing about people devoid of class:  they’re consistent.

Hey, tomorrow is a new day.  And Sarah will get up in the morning and realize that she’ll have to live with herself throughout it.

No wonder–as I report in THE ROGUE–she used to come home when she was mayor of Wasilla and go to bed at 4 p.m. with a box of chocolates and a handful of celebrity picture magazines.

Living with that self for sixteen hours a day would exhaust any of us.